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As I get older and older, which isn't really that old, I find that lists are my friend and help me get things done.
My best friend Amanda gave me the book LISTOGRAPHY for Christmas, and now lists are more fun than ever.
As Amanda put it, A equals B equals C, ergo, A equals C.
I want to be a good person, but I also want to live a life without regret. I am learning not to regret anything. So far...

listography NEW NEWS
  • amiable
  • haptic

(hap'-tick) adj. 1: relating to, or based on the sense of touch. 2: characterized by a predilection for the sense of touch. [From Greek haptesthai "to touch."]

  • risible

(riz'-uh-bull) n. 1: causing or capable of causing laughter; laughable; comical. 2: having the ability to, or disposition to laugh. 3: of or relating to laugher or used in laughing (e.g. 'risible muscles'). [From Late Latin risibilis "laughable, able to laugh," from Latin risus, past participle. of ridere "to laugh."]

  • opprobrium

(op-probe'-ree-um) n. 1: disgrace rising from shameful conduct; infamy. 2: scorn; contempt. 3: the cause of such a disgrace.

  • brobdignagian

(brob-dig-nag'-ee-un) adj. (often capitalized) of colossal proportions or extraordinary height; gigantic. n. a giant. [From Brobdignag, a country of giants, in the book Gulliver's Travels.]

  • ben trovato

(ben troh-vah'-toe) adj. characteristic or appropriate even if not true. [From Italian, literally, "well found."]

  • putative

(pyoot'-uh-tive) adj. 1: commonly accepted or supposed. 2: assumed to exist or to have existed. [From Middle English from Late Latin putativus from Latin putatus, from past participle of putare "to think."]

  • Retral

(ret'-tral) adj. 1: at, near, or toward the posterior. 2: moving or tending in a backward direction, or contrary to a previous direction.

  • meed

(meed) n. a fitting return or recompense. [from Old English med.]

  • sartorial

(sar-tor'-ee-al) adj. of or relating to a tailor or tailored clothes; broadly: of or relating to clothes. [from Latin sartor "tailor."]

  • lascivious

(la-siv'-ee-us) adj. reflecting or producing sexual desire or behavior, especially that is considered indecent or obscene. [from Latin lascivia "wantonness," from lascivus "wanton."]

may 17 2008 ∞
may 17 2008 +