(redirected from personal Twitter acc, dismiss if you got here from anywhere else!!)

hello there!! this is @omoidekakera's personal Twitter account!! this is my side acc where I run off to if things get hectic on my main or I just feel like I need some Chill Out Time. I'll be doing exactly what I do on my main, this acc is just so I can relax while keeping up with my friends/closest mutuals without getting their tweets lost in a sea of other tweets + follow the accs of my own interests (namely Game Grumps and Vocaloid.)

please *do not* follow unless I follow you first!! I want this acc to be as private as possible since I will also be talking about stuff I consider too sensitive to talk about on my main from time to time.

if we're mutuals on my main and I'm not following you on this side acc please don't take it personally!! the only two reasons I didn't follow you were either bc you tweet very heavily about interests we don't share (and I want to keep this tl as clean as possible) or we're not close enough (which does not mean I dislike you in any way!!)

ty for reading!! (´。• ᵕ •。`)

jul 31 2017 ∞
aug 1 2017 +