• zhen yanai | he/him | 19 | ghost | chinese | bi | isfp | ravenclaw
    • languages: chinese (mandorin/cantonese, english, a little bit of korean and japanese
    • virgo sun • aquarius moon • scorpio rising • virgo mercury • libra venus • scorpio mars
  • design
    • pale skin n' a lot of freckles and moles. really strong arms n' thighs. small button nose n' smaller pointed ears. smaller lips, bigger sparkling eyes. broad shoulders, longer neck. deeper voice in chinese, sweeter in english/other languages. soft n' fluffy hair. they're greyish/white due to a lot of stress, but he tried to dye them to pastel purple, didn't really worked though. it's really messy now. so kind of greyish/white/pastel purple i guess. (original hair colour was black though.) wears glasses — not to look cool, but his eyes are weak.
    • overall looks soft, but cold — kind of detached and enigmatic. usually wears black clothes, hoodies and leather jackets. mouth masks. pierced ears & wears a lot of rings. bunch of tattoos. very sweet smile and quiet laugh.
oct 30 2017 ∞
oct 30 2017 +