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  • Getting trampled by a donkey and cart on Television Street (Diggles)
  • Getting run over by a tourist bus that suddenly went into reverse (Howa)
  • Slamming head on ceiling of Mahmoud's taxi during sudden stops en route to the site (Warda, and others)
  • Catching skirt on the side of the boat when dismounting (inspector and daughter)
  • Getting hit by the wheel of a cart during second breakfast (Warda)
  • Nearly falling out of the truck in an attempt to catch his scarf when leaving the Kings' Valley (Reis Ali)
  • Getting side swiped by a motorcycle (Howa and Warda)
  • Darting out into the roundabout during high season bus traffic (Salahadin)
  • Attempting to light the oven in our flat (Hilary)
  • Being ocd about cleaning and running into the air conditioning unit while sweeping on the balcon (Hilary)
  • Digging up a live scorpion in TA14:31 (Diggles and Khalid)
  • Almost having a heart attack at prospect of visit from Zahi (mudir)
  • Falling in the trenches while running from the totals station to the back of the temple to see an inscription (Malak)
jan 23 2008 ∞
jan 25 2009 +