game played by children in the 90s (& maybe now, idk)

  • 2 person game, plus onlookers -- one person fills out the page, and the other provides answers. Usually you play a game and then switch roles.
  • purpose -- to predict your future.

let's let your friend go first.

  • write the letters M A S H at the top of a sheet of notebook paper (stands for Mansion, Apartment, Shack, House)
  • write the following headings and number three lines beneath each
    • husband (or wife)
    • job
    • pet
    • transportation
    • location
    • # kids
  • ask your friend to select 3 choices for each heading. ie: under husband, pick your crush and/or celebrities. under job, select possible career choices. the person filling out the sheet reserves the right to contribute at least one joke entry per category.
  • when all the categories are filled in, start to draw a spiral and when your friend calls out stop, stop drawing the spiral.
  • draw a line through the spiral and count how many times it intersects with the lines of the spiral. let's say you get 5.
  • starting with the M at the top of the page, touch your milky pen to each item listed on the sheet, crossing out every fifth one. ie: 1(M) 2(A) 3(S) 4(H) 5(crush #1) -- and then crush #1 gets crossed out.
  • keep counting and crossing things out. when 2 out of 3 items per category have been crossed out, circle the remaining one, and don't include that category in your counting next time around.
  • when one entry per category is circled, you know your future life. you might live in an apartment with marilyn manson, working as a kindergarten teacher. you take your pet giraffe on trips in your mini cooper through San Fransisco where you live with your 8 children.
apr 8 2014 ∞
nov 2 2015 +