• Arang and the Magistrate

aaaaaha….arang and the magistrate…….first lee jun ki and shin minah more like the loves of my life I’m so in love I’m so in love also the CUTE AND DRAMATIQUE OF THIS DRAMA…its a ghost and a magistrate who can see ghosts even tho he wish he wouldn’t and theres such an intricate mythology abt the ghosts and the after world and its so cute and the cinematography is so beautiful and IM CYRING MAYBE

  • The Three Musketeers

AAH so like as the name say it….its 12 eps so its a short drama but its such a fun filled adaptation and heroic and epic and cute and theres some romance and lots of adventure and i remember really enjoying this drama a lot aah

  • Painter of The Wind

THIS DRAMA  OM.. G ok its a painter who is a genius painter and its the path of how he is growing and stuff but also this painter is a woman but who’s kinda always lived as a man so i just call him (?) painter anyway painter is in love w/ that musician girl its so cute and dramatic and stuff and its SO PRETTY the drama is beautiful look its rly nice please watch

  • Splash Splash LOVE

this one isn’t a drama but a drama special so its only 2 eps BUT ITS SO O CUTE;.. like a high schooler who is giving up on her math exam somehow gets back in time and cute hijinks ensues w/ the king and there are maths and my fave actress is in there too and its precious and cute i rec it

  • Bridal Mask

i know you meant joseon era dramas by historical dramas but the 30s count as historical right ?? ok so legit this drama is one of the best HANDS DOWN that ive seen in my life mostly its a thrilling sotry abt a robin hood persona in the 1930s korea under jpn colonisation, a revenge story, a broken friendship, lots of suspense and thrills and the best acting/directing/writing ive seen LIKE THIS DRAMA IS AMAZING

  • Moonlight Drawn By Clouds

Cute, amazing, park bogum shines in it, the romance is adorable, everythig is adorable and i love life.

mar 4 2016 ∞
jan 5 2017 +