161025 eng~ you guys are flowers! [...] I like all flowers. The reason why I like flowers is because not only the smell good, look good, have nice colors but also each flower has it's meaning, so it's really nice. So recently i've been writing a song related to digitalis (fox glove) flower! The meaning of the flower is "you can't hide love" [...] that's right. I can't hide my love directed to all of you!! Yesterday, the day before too, I see you everyday but I still miss you.❞

170206 ❝ You, a bunch of flowers; When a difficult challenge comes to me, sometimes it's scary to wake up alone; Just then, a bunch of you, if you give me a bunch of you, if you can fill up the hole of my pain with your aroma, could it be more beautiful than this?❞

161224 ❝ Today too was a really happy day. Even though the weather is cold, everyday you wait together for us, people who are from far away and support us seriously, everyone who only uses pretty words with us, I always receive this~~~ much emotion and come here. How can all the words be pretty like this. Thanks to you I forget all the tiredness and I can do everything. Today too I felt a lot of love and I was so happy I could die. Thank you. Even when I don't say it, you know right? Let's meet in dreams. My loves, today too I love you, you're precious ❞

170127 ❝ A lot of people said "let's walk only on the flowery path", but like Wooseok said, all of you are flowers. So that we are able to take steps like this, we are full of help from all of you so how could this path I'm walking on not be a flowery path.❞

170337 ❝ Sadly beautiful, times like mud before I met you, those times became mature and sun made a flower bloom. I'm rather thankful that I finally met you, you are my universe.❞

170119 ❝To: My loves who I'm the most thankful to. Having the dream to become a singer over the past 7 years was difficult and exhausting and it seemed like I had many concerns. A non promising debut, am I doing well? We had these kind of concerns, but having debuted like this, seeing you cheer generously for us and meeting all of you, made me think we did really well to wait all the way until here.❞

mar 16 2017 ∞
mar 16 2017 +