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happy 2nd monthiversary, senpai! >__< seperti yang senpai tau aku tida jago sebenernya bikin ginian jadi ada yang aku nyontek tapi beneran ini dari heart ga bohong. disclaimer lain, ada beberapa (banyak sebenernya) yang editannya belum jadi karena satu dan dua hal, nanti akan kuedit kalau udah jadi! XD untuk sementara, fotonya pake foto-foto bucin dan baca isinya dulu aja ya. i love you.

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Dearest Senpai,

I hope you are doing fine. First of all, sorry for taking part in something that should only be you and us, without me personally. But let me take a little part. I feel bad when I see you carry so many burdens and responsibilities. I know you can solve everything by yourself, I believe you can. But I sometimes feel that my existence is not very helpful and often it becomes an additional burden for you because of my childish habits, which make you even more overwhelmed.

If my attitude gets bad, I’m so sorry cause I’m disappointed and hurt. It just because I feel I am not a good support system for you, I can not help you anything, can only help you by encouraging you who are either doing so much work. Disaat seperti ini, I am disappointed with myself. I’m sorry I wasn’t good enough, but I tried. By the way, it's not your fault. ;)

I know that giving you positive vibes is already a form of encouragement for you. But still, my bad thoughts tell me that I'm a useless girlfriend. Of course, I trust you more than that demon, but sometimes my feelings justify those bad thoughts. Lowkey still hurts me but its okay. Believe it or not, saying the word 'semangat, senpai' for you has become my habit to remind you that I’m here to cheer you up and I like it! Udah ah, ini ditulis tanggal 14/08/2020 10:24 PM waktu laptop Megumi. Mau lanjut tulis yang lain dulu, dadah! Oh satu lagi, I love when you text me before you go alias ngabarin dulu kalau mau ilang lama. Jadi aku bisa menyibukkan diri juga. :D

Yours only, Megumi Hopkins.

aug 22 2020 ∞
aug 28 2020 +