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happy 2nd monthiversary, senpai! >__< seperti yang senpai tau aku tida jago sebenernya bikin ginian jadi ada yang aku nyontek tapi beneran ini dari heart ga bohong. disclaimer lain, ada beberapa (banyak sebenernya) yang editannya belum jadi karena satu dan dua hal, nanti akan kuedit kalau udah jadi! XD untuk sementara, fotonya pake foto-foto bucin dan baca isinya dulu aja ya. i love you.

listography TERMS

Baginda meng,

Jujur, aku bener-bener berharap kita gak pernah yang serius. Tapi kalau terjadi hal-hal yang diluar kendali, aku minta maaf. Kalau aku ngomong sesuatu yang jahat aku minta maaf, I only said those mean things because I was mad. Aku gak bisa mikir jernih dan aku gak mikir konsekuensinya. Aku minta maaf.

I know you feel upset, hurt, and heartbroken right now. I know that I've wounded your sensitive, loving heart with my vicious words. I'm so sorry, senpai. Please forgive me for anything I did, I never intended to hurt you.

Aku selalu coba untuk jadi orang yang gak macem-macem, yang respect you all the time, but sometimes I make mistakes just as the average human being does. Aku selalu berusaha buat gak ngelakuin kesalahan konyol tapi kadang malah ngacau and end up hurting you badly. I really apologize for this, and for anything I've ever done that crushed you and your feelings. You completely don't deserve it.

You've always tried your best to tell me that I'm right even when I'm absolutely wrong, and to fix up any sort of problems between us. I'm so sorry for causing you this unbearable pain and excess stress.

Disagreeing with a person and trying to get your point across and make them understand is a challenging task, but it becomes even more difficult when you love that person with all of your heart and the last thing you want to do is to hurt them in any way.

I love you more than you can ever imagine, Senpai. I'm sorry if I act unreasonable at times. I tend to say the wrong things, and cause you pain without realizing it. I know that we both make mistakes but I'm 100% sure that we will overcome any obstacle in our relationship, because that's just how strong our bond is.

When we have our little fights, I hope one of us will say that we love each other and want to stop arguing, because it's not fun for both of us. Let me know that everything will be ok and we will make it through.

If we have each other, I believe we can overcome all the obstacles. So lets talk and fix it.

I love you, senpai.

aug 28 2020 ∞
aug 28 2020 +