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happy 2nd monthiversary, senpai! >__< seperti yang senpai tau aku tida jago sebenernya bikin ginian jadi ada yang aku nyontek tapi beneran ini dari heart ga bohong. disclaimer lain, ada beberapa (banyak sebenernya) yang editannya belum jadi karena satu dan dua hal, nanti akan kuedit kalau udah jadi! XD untuk sementara, fotonya pake foto-foto bucin dan baca isinya dulu aja ya. i love you.

listography TERMS

Hi, Meng!

I know a lot is going on in your life right now and you might be overwhelmed right now. But I want to say that everything will be fine. Many people tell you like this and maybe you are already tired of hearing everyone say the same thing, but I just want to say that all your problems and worries will fade away slowly, believe me.

Everything that bothers you, you will find a way to deal with it all and it will disappear like it never was. I know you are an overthinking person, but try to relax and calm down a little. Lay down first because I want you to be happy and face everything with a calmer state. No matter what bothers you like #your family problems, relationship problems with me, the problem in one of your projects, it will all wash over. Just remember that there’s always a light at the end of the path of darkness, just keep holding on and you will get through anything.

Please remember that self blame and self guilt is never the answer. If you need to take a time to ‘shutdown’ for a while, go for it. But please promise me you won’t hurt yourself anymore with any self blaming or whatever because of stress that other people place on you.

I am here to support you and help you in whatever I possibly can. You know you can trust me with anything. I won't force you to tell me why right now, but you can tell me anything. Maybe I can't give the best advice but I can be a place for you to tell stories and relieve your burdens. I'll also attempt to control your fury and irritation/ If you ever need assistance, you know I'll be more than glad to listen to what you need to say and try to help you to the best of my abilities.

I love you and I trust you, Senpai. I know you can find a solution to anything because if you can’t find an answer, you will create one. I know you can accomplish anything you set yourself up to, so just believe in yourself. I love you and don't forget that you always have my endless support for everything you do.

Cheer up, baginda.

Big big big love, Megumi.

aug 22 2020 ∞
aug 28 2020 +