- list of lists
- lists of things i have
- nail polish
- shoes
- tshirts
- dresses
- shorts
- pants
- hair clips
- mugs
- rings
- necklaces
- string bracelets
- list of snacks
- places to go
- cities i've been to
- things to do in lee county
- birthdays
- bible verses
- seeds to plant
- books i've read
- books to read
- movies i've seen
- movies to see
- my works of art
- future works of art
- art to sell
- family
- friends
- amazing people
- biographies to read
- biographies i've read
- memorable dreams
- inspirational things to do
- simple self indulgences
- potential jobs
- potential majors
- potential colleges
- necessary items for a new house
- dogs that i have met
- things i don't like
- things that make me smile
- letters to write
- playlists
- favorite musical artists
- musical artists to research/download
- visual artists to research/study
- favorite visual artists
- goals
- ways to be humbled/simplified
- (conversationalist)
- blogs
- baby names names
- favorite websites
apr 4 2011 ∞
apr 4 2011 +