- going camping every summer with grandpa and darlene, and all the cousins
- treasure hunts (for candy)
- bathing in the river
- finding rope swings to jump off
- getting new nicknames every year
- laying in the hammock
- bonfires and s'mores and scary stories
- swinging on the tire swings grandpa always made
- trying to catch fish with a stick and a corn kernal...
- ghost in the graveyard
- going to panama city every year for family vacation at the same condo
- visiting uncle mike and aunt margie on the way there and back, and the way their house smelled
- vacation bible school at church every year... SUCH fun adventures
- 'n sync concert
- sleepovers with all my friends, staying up too late and waking up moms and dads
- snow days, no school, and sledding at the walker's house
- getting a kitten and naming him sally, because my parents didn't have the heart to tell me it was a boy
- going to the morrison's cafeteria at the mall and waiting for tom the magic guy to come to our table to do magic tricks
- bible drill. 'nuff said.
- preteen camp!!! - making up dances to all the songs
- christmas breakfast at grandpa and darlene's house
- picking out a puppy at aunt diane's house and learning to differentiate between boy and girl puppies
- riding my bike up and down our driveway for hours, singing to myself
- cheerleading and learning what the milkshake song meant
- having to sit on the "white line" at recess for chasing boys on the playground
- the living christmas tree with nana and papaw
- watching titanic for the first time with all the cousins
- my cousin throwing my barbie in grandma's pool and yelling, "I'M NOT YOUR COUSIN ANYMORE!" at her - she reminds me of this story all the time
- mary-kate and ashley barbies
- jumping off the cliff at the Y in townsend (now illegal)
- the cruise <3
feb 28 2010 ∞
mar 3 2010 +