1: worked in the morning, barely made any money for a wednesday, it sucked. but then i hung out with jaymie.

2: really just went to school and hung out at home, did some homework and chilled.

3: went out to breakfast with brynne one last time for her summer vacation, dad went with. then marcus came over and we went to bonko night with my family and had a lot of fun.

4: marcus slept over and we all went to the last fling with lots of friends. rode the ferris wheel and made smores by the fire.

5: i went to japes' house, his mom made everyone dinner and i found out he was leaving on the 20th for possibly 5 years. awwwwwwh :(

6: worked all day, but made a lot of money. did homework after that.

7: went to school and did homework and chilled at home. i bought a new pair of jeans from gap and a cute pink tshirt. ruled.

8: chilled

9: school.

10: gothsmack party. danced of the cure and new order way too much. also hung out with joey and erik all day. slept next to my boy at night.

11: middlewest fest, hung out with my favorite dekalb kids and my best girl friend. saw some cool bands, made pasta, rad.

12: was all stuffy and allergic to everything and marcus came over and watched movies and tv with me while i sniffled into his shirt.

13: nothin? sick?

14: tests tests tests, chilled. got my nails done with mom.

15: work'd.

16: 100%s on BOTH of my tests<3 and work, super busy, made a lot of money.

17: hung out with japes. ate thai food and watched ponyo.

18: went to marcus'. made him some taffy apple salad. spent all day hangin' out with everyone, went to his show, got thai food after and spent the night chattin with everyone.

19: got breakfast with marcus, went to wicker park book and record stores, spent the rest of the day sleeping.

20: worked and homeworked.

21: homeworked and schooled.

22: worked all day, then got coffee with jaymie.

23: got a little sick, went to work and school. stressed so bad.

24: felt a bit better, went out to dinner with jaymie.

25: beatles party.

26: nothin'

27: went to the mall, bought something for marcus for our one year anniversary.

28: went to the ashbary with jaymie, drank pumpkin chai tea. mmmm

29: worked and homeworked.

30: schooled, worked, and homeworked.

sep 8 2010 ∞
oct 3 2010 +