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“Io non aveva nulla, e non pertanto io aveva a pieno; perché io avevo l'amore infaticabile del vero e la soavità dell'illusione. Rendimi il mio selvaggio talento; l'affannata felicità, la forza dell'odio e l'impeto dell'amore, — rendimi la mia giovinezza. ” - Il poeta [Faust, Prologo sul Teatro] - Goethe
“If you could only see the monster that lives behind my eyes, then you’d realise how real I am.” - Bray Wyatt
“Being famous doesn’t make you a champion, cojones make you a champion” - Alberto Del Rio
“Tu parlavi di ladri. Ma chi é più ladro del proprietario che si arricchisce rubando il prodotto del lavoro degli operai? Tu parlavi di assassini. Ma chi è più assassino dei capitalisti che, per non rinunziare al privilegio di comandare e di vivere senza lavorare, sono la causa degli senti atroci e della morte prematura di milioni di lavoratori, nonché di una continua ecatombe di bambini? Questi ladri e questi assassini, ben più colpevoli e ben più pericolosi di quei poveracci che sono spinti al delitto dalle miserevoli condizioni in cui si trovano, la polizia non li tocca, anzi!” - Giorgio [Al caffè, Capitolo X] - Errico Malatesta
“Lo scopo della vita è lo sviluppo di noi stessi, la perfetta realizzazione della nostra natura: è per questo che noi esistiamo.” - Oscar Wilde
“[..] Mettere in comune le donne! E perché non dite che vogliamo mettere in comune gli uomini? Ciò che solo può spiegare questo vostro concetto è che voi, per abitudine inveterata, considerate la donna come un essere inferiore fatto e messo al mondo per servire da animale domestico e da strumento di piacere pel signore maschio, e quindi fate di lei il conto di una cosa, e supponete che si debba assegnarle il destino che si assegna alle altre cose. Ma noi che consideriamo la donna come un essere umano pari a noi, che deve godere di tutti i diritti e di tutti i mezzi di cui gode, o deve godere, il sesso maschile, noi troviamo semplicemente vuota di senso la domanda : che cosa farete dite delle donne? Domandate piuttosto : che cosa faranno le donne? Ed io vi risponderò che faranno quel che vorranno e che siccome esse hanno al pari degli uomini bisogno di vivere in società, è certo che vorranno accordarsi con i loro simili, maschi e femmine, per soddisfare al loro bisogno di vantaggio proprio e di tutti” - Giorgio [Al caffè, Capitolo XI] - Errico Malatesta
“[..] La morale cambia a seconda le epoche, i paesi, le classi, le circostanze. Essa esprime quello che gli uomini in un dato momento ed in date circostanze, reputano la condotta migliore. Insomma per ciascun uomo è conforme alla morale quello che gli giova e gli piace[..]” - Giorgio [Al caffè, Capitolo XII] - Errico Malatesta
“[..] I figli di quelli che erano schiavi ed i figli di quelli che erano padroni degli schiavi si potranno sedere assieme alla tavola della fraternità” - Martin Luther King [I have a dream]
“[..] Il vostro tempo è limitato, per cui non lo sprecate vivendo la vita di qualcun altro. Non fatevi intrappolare dai dogmi, il che significa vivere seguendo i risultati del pensiero di altre persone. Non lasciate che il rumore delle persone altrui offuschi la vostra voce interiore. E, cosa più improtante di tutte, abbiate il coraggio di seguire il vostro cuore e le vostre intuizioni. In qualche modo loro sanno cosa realmente volete diventare. Tutto il resto è secondario.” - Steve Jobs
“ Inferno cristiano, fuoco; inferno pagano: fuoco; inferno maomettano: fuoco; inferno indù : fiamme. A credere alla religioni dio è un rosticciere ” - Victor Hugo
“[..]poiché la colpa più grande dell'uomo è d'essere nato.” - Sigismondo [Scena Seconda, La vita è sogno] - Pedro de la Barca
“Non temete che vi manchi compagnia nelle sventure; perché sventura maggiore non v'è per chi sta nel dubbio tra il vivere ed il morire. ” - Clotaldo [Scena Quarta, La vita è sogno] - Pedro de la Barca
“People like you need to be lead by people with intellect and character as me” - Stephanie McMahon
“I didn't ask for this power, I was born into it” - Stephanie McMahon
“Nel senso, veda, che l'autore che ci creò, vivi, non volle poi, o non potè materialmente, metterci al mondo dell'arte. E fu un vero delitto, signore, perché chi ha la ventura di nascere personaggio vivo, può ridersi anche della morte. Non muore più! Morrà l'uomo, lo scrittore, strumento della creazione; la creatura non muore più! E per vivere eterna non ha neanche bisogno di straordinarie doti o di compiere prodigi. Chi era Sancho Panza? Chi era don Abbondio? Eppure vivono eterni, perché--vivi germi--ebbero la ventura di trovare una matrice feconda, una fantasia che li seppe allevare e nutrire, far vivere per l'eternità!” - Padre [Sei personaggi in cerca d'autore] - Luigi Pirandello
“Frasi! Frasi! Come se non fosse il conforto di tutti, davanti a un fatto che non si spiega, davanti a un male che si consuma, trovare una parola che non dice nulla, e in cui ci si acquieta! ” - Padre [Sei personaggi in cerca d'autore] - Luigi Pirandello
“Abbiamo tutti dentro un mondo di cose; ciascuno un suo mondo di cose! E come possiamo intenderci, signore, se nelle parole ch'io dico metto il senso e il valore delle cose come sono dentro di me; mentre chi le ascolta, inevitabilmente le assume col senso e col valore che hanno per sè, del mondo com'egli l'ha dentro? Crediamo d'intenderci; non c'intendiamo mai!” - Padre [Sei personaggi in cerca d'autore] - Luigi Pirandello
“Se si potesse prevedere tutto il male che può nascere dal bene che crediamo di fare! ” - Padre [Sei personaggi in cerca d'autore] - Luigi Pirandello
“Siamo noi, i proletariati, la classe oppressa, siamo elettricisti e gassisti, siamo noi che conduciamo le locomotive, siamo noi che fabbrichiamo gli esplosivi e forniamo le mine, siamo noi che guidiamo le automobili e gli aereoplani, siamo noi i soldati.....siamo noi, purtroppo che vi difendiamo contro noi stessi. Voi non vivete che per la volontà inconscia delle vostre vittime” - Giorgio [Capitolo XIII, Il Caffè] - Errico Malatesta
“Noi consideriamo la nostra patria il mondo interno, nostri fratelli gli uomini tutti ” - Giorgio [Capitolo XVI, Il Caffè] - Errico Malatesta
“[..] quello che voi chiamate patriottismo, che è boria nazionale, che è predicazione di odio contro gli altri Paesi, che è pretesto per scagliare popoli contro popoli in guerre micidiali” - Giorgio [Capitolo XVI, Il Caffè] - Errico Malatesta
“I don't claim to be better than my victims” - The Undertaker
“What you should be thinking about is what's gonna happen when I take you out into the deep water and when your feet can no longer touch the bottom, what are you gonna do[..]? Are you gonna try and grab me and take me down to the bottom with you or are you gonna try to turn around and back to the shore?” - The Undertaker
“There are several different types of men in this world. There are men who dream and never make it off their couch. There are men who dream and fail. And then, there are men who dream and change the landscape of this world.” - Bray Wyatt
“There ain't no such thing as a hero! Not anymore... But you, you and you and you, you have become addicted to the illusion of what a hero is. You have become addicted to the illusion of what a hero does for you. You think you need someone to pat you on the back. You think you need someone to talk you in bed at night, kiss on you on the cheek and tell you that everything is alright” - Bray Wyatt
“Have you heard the good news? The earth is rotting beneath your feet, the human race is a bacteria that infects and destroys” - Bray Wyatt
“As a child I wanted nothing more in life than to be powerful like my father. I did my best to appease him, I tried to be just like him! But it was never good enough. He was never there for me, he was never there for me!” - Bray Wyatt
“Gli affanni leggeri trovano le parole, quelli troppo grandi restano muti.” - Fedra
- Seneca“La natura difende gli imbecilli dalla consapevolezza di esserlo.” - [Ho dei pensieri che non condivido] - Pino Caruso
“Una pancia vuota sa di essere vuota; al contrario di un cervello vuoto che più è vuoto e meno sa di esserlo.” - [Ho dei pensieri che non condivido] - Pino Caruso
“La via che indica la Chiesa non porta a Dio, porta alla Chiesa.” - [Ho dei pensieri che non condivido] - Pino Caruso
“L’ignoranza non ti permette di capire nemmeno quello che pensi.” - [Ho dei pensieri che non condivido] - Pino Caruso
“Anche se non fosse figlio di Dio, Gesù sarebbe un uomo straordinario. Anzi, sarebbe un uomo straordinario proprio se non fosse figlio di Dio.” - [Ho dei pensieri che non condivido] - Pino Caruso
“Credere in Dio è come accusare qualcuno senza prove.” - [Ho dei pensieri che non condivido] - Pino Caruso
“Il vero problema non è la libertà delle religioni ma la libertà dalle religioni.” - [Ho dei pensieri che non condivido] - Pino Caruso
“The truth is obedience and respect should not be automatic, they should be earned. They should be based on the parents performance, some parents deserve the most respect, most of them don't.” - [Complaints and Grievances] - George Carlin
“Suicide isn't cowardly. What's cowardly is hurting someone so bad they want to kill themselves” - Ashley Purdy
“Tell me something Chris, do you remember your dreams when you were a child? I remember you. I remember a scared little boy who wanted nothing more than to live up to his daddy. Hahaha! I wonder, can you still see the disappointment in his eyes. It drown you. It left a hole so big that the only way you sought out to fill it was by becoming a savior of your own, but you can't even save yourself. See, I know lots about you Chris, but you don't really know anything about me. So let me tell you a little bit about me. How every time I tried to dream, how all I heard was them scream. The reoccurring nightmare that happens over, and over, and over again. Not once Chris did I claim to be a savior, because I'm not. Matter of fact, the only thing I live for in this life is to help people who can't help themselves. That's the thing Chris, you can't just whisper them words anymore, you have to scream it, until their ears bleed, and that's it, the key to the universe. The only way to truly help someone is to truly hurt them in a way. Believe me Chris, as long as I've been on this rock, I've hurt a lot of people. For this, I'm not the least big sorry. I can't resist the urge. There are no consequences for my actions. I have no conscience. I do not heed to the laws of mankind. I do not believe in heaven or hell. As a matter of fact, I hate everything this whole world has created, including me. I am a monster, Chris. I'm Bray Wyatt, the eater of worlds. The human race is decimated with its lack of fortitude, and you Chris, you exemplify that weakness. But there's a pale horse on the horizon Chris, and he's looking for you. At SummerSlam this smile will be the last thing you ever see, savior. Hahaha!” - Bray Wyatt
“I think the saddest people always try their hardest to make people happy because they know what it’s like to feel absolutely worthless and they don’t want anyone else to feel like that.” - Robin Williams
"You are not the heaviness sitting inside of you. You are not the battlefield where the bodies fall, and you are not the sound of cannons breaking the sky open. You are what happens after the war. The surviving. The healing. The rebuilding." - Y.Z, for the bad nights
"Sometimes you just have to be brave. You have to be strong. Sometimes you just can’t give in to weak thoughts. You have to beat down those devils that get inside your head and try to make you panic. You struggle along, putting one foot a little bit ahead of the other." - James Marsden
“I wondered how many people there were in the world who suffered, and continued to suffer, because they could not break out from their own web of shyness and reserve.” - Daphne Du Maurier
“Half the world is composed of people who have something to say and can’t, and the other half who have nothing to say and keep on saying it.” - Robert Frost
“Children believe in superheroes. They wear masks and capes because they want to believe that the world is good. Let me fill you in on my childhood. It wasn’t all rainbows and butterflies. I have your scars too. The world gave them to me. They gave them to me because it was my birthright to have them! They taught me a few things. They taught me that everything I love is going to wither away and die. I could be just like you. I could sign autographs, kiss babies, make sure everyone buys all my merchandise! I could go home to my plastic girlfriend in my castle, hold back everything I feel inside and tell jokes. Yeah, that’s you, man. But you were right about one thing. I am different than anyone you have ever faced. After Wrestlemania, I don’t care if I ever leave. I don’t care if I die. As long as the world sees you as I do. Follow the buzzards.” — Bray Wyatt - RAW 03/17/14
“Cos'è la vita? Delirio. Cos'è la vita? Illusione, appena chimera ed ombra, e il massimo bene è un nulla, ché tutta la vita è sogno, e i sogni, sogni sono. ” - Sigismondo [Scena diacesettesima, Atto II, La vita è sogno] - Pedro de la Barca
“Come la pianta si chiude nel fiore, così tutta la terra si chiude nel cervello dell'uomo, che è il sommo fiore di tutta la metamorfosi organica” - Friederich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling [Esposizione del mio sistema filosofico]
“Puffo è il noso.” - Stefano Ciccone [Memorie di un povero naso, Murunoso]
“To be a man, to have been born without knowing it or wanting it, to be thrown into the ocean of existence, to be obliged to swim, to exist; to have an identity; to resist the pressure and shocks from the outside and the unforeseen and unforeseeable acts - one's own and those of others - which so often exceed one's capacities? And what is more, to endure one's own thoughts about all this: in a word, to be human.” ― Ivo Andrić
“Certo. Vedete, ascoltare è una faccenda assai pericolosa. Se qualcuno ascolta, può anche lasciarsi convincere; e un uomo che si lascia convincere da un'argomentazione è una persona totalmente irragionevole.” - Lord Goring [An Ideal Husband, ATTO I]
“Ogni uomo ambizioso deve combattere il proprio secolo con le sue stesse armi. Ciò che questo secolo adora è la ricchezza. Il dio di questo secolo è il denaro. Per avere successo, si deve essere ricchi. Costi quel che costi, si deve essere ricchi” - Sir Robert Chiltern [An Ideal Husband, ATTO II]
"I don't belong to any nation, I don't belong to any religion, I don't belong to any political party. I am simply an individual, the way existence created me." - Osho
"The moral changes depending on the ages, the countries, the classes, under the circumstances. It expresses what men, at any given time and in given cirmustances, consider the best policy." - Errico Malatesta
"Quanti alto là ha dato quando faceva il cecchino?" - Zachary Uriah Addy [S1X1 - Bones]
Nike : Livi, do you think that you don't deserve to be happy? Livi : Until you understand this, I'll keep saying it : the fact that I am scoundrel won't change after all this time. Nike : I'll change it, that's because I'm still here. [...] You told me "Make my life interesting and funny", I'm here for this reason. That's why from now on we'll think about the things you think as heavy together. Let's bear them together. I love you so much, Livi. No matter how much of a scoundrel you may be, I love you. No matter who says they can't forgive you, I want to become happy with you. From now on, I want to always laugh together with you. I love you so much. Levi : Bear this together, she says? Then, It's alright if I don't endure this by myself anymore? Is it alright for me to not go down that dark path? Is it alright for me to break free from all the hateful things? Besides, what did she say just now? That she "loves me very much"." - Livi&Nike [Chapter 52 - Soredemo sekai wa utsukushii]
"Dicono che le persone possono cambiare, ma è realmente vero? Se decidono che vogliono volare, cresceranno loro le ali? Non penso. Non cambi te stesso, cambi il modo in cui fai le cose. Devi farlo a modo tuo. Devi creare un modo per volare, anche se rimani lo stesso. Pensiamo ad un modo per creare le ali che ci facciano volare." - Sora [Episodio 9 - No game no life]
"Vediamo il Madagascar, in che anno ha abolito la pena di morte. Il 2014? Madagascar ma a chi tien a cundannà, 'e pinguin?" - Puma [Puffo Nose; 14/01/2016]
"Non solo lui così, tutti ad Edo non buoni con nessuno. Hanno sempre un cuore di pietra e tanto gelo dentro, è un vivere molto furbo questo. Le persone che come te si preoccupano per gli altri sono idioti. E alla fine gli idioti vengono sempre usati dai cattivi, però gli idioti piacciono a me molto di più dei cattivi" - Kagura [EPISODIO 4 - Gintama]
"To get what you want, you put up with something, make an effort, learn a skill and inspire yourself" - Satoru Fujinuma [EPISODE 2 - Boku dake ga inai machi]
"Il trucco per vivere una vita felice è non dimenticare mai il nostro lato infantile" - Gintoki Sakata [EPISODE 6 - Gintama]
"Se davanti a te c'è qualcuno in pericolo, non starci a pensare. Tendi la mano in suo soccorso, che sia una persona per bene o meno. Questo è quello che dovrebbe fare ogni essere umano" - Isao Kondou [EPISODE 14 - Gintama]
ENG : "He hasn't withered, I won't let wither. We may be little branchese...but if the branches break, then the tree really will wither. So, I won't break. Even if winter comes and the leaves fall off, even if the wind blows and all the other branches fall down, I'll be the last branch of all!"
ITA : Gintoki non si è seccato, e noi (io) non lo lascier(emo)ò seccare. E' vero che siamo rami piccoli, però se piccolo rametto si spezza tutto l'albero sente gradne male e muore. Quindi, io non posso spezzarmi. Anche se quando arriva inverno e le foglie cadranno, anche se quando soffia vento i rami cadranno, io sarò ultimo ramo che rimane forte, vedrai Shinpachi!" - Kagura [EPISODE 32 - Gintama]
"Once you miss the opportunity to say something, the words become increasingly toxic. The best thing to do is to just say everything." - Nana Hayashida (Linda) [Golden Time]
"Even if you think I’m a nuisance, no matter where you go, I’ll find you. I’ll always be listening for your voice. When the rain falls, when the wind blows, when the flowers scatter, when shadow looms. In every sign, I’ll search for your voice." - Banri Tada [Golden Time]
"The Present is ending here, countless versions of our past selves are always crying, laughing, falling in love, getting hurt, joking around, feeling happy and suffering. These feelings are born all the time and in the next moment, they became the past and die. It's over now. This is the end, but the truth is : everyone's time is like that, right after it's born every moment becomes the past and dies. But.. I'm alive now. I'm here now. I can see this moment, the present, right now. Right now ... isn't that everything ?" - Banri Tada [Golden Time]
"Koko-chan, questo mondo non si muove secondo i tuoi desideri e non puoi far fare alle persone quello che vuoi che facciano. Non dimenticarlo. Inoltre, non mi sottovalutare!" - Nana Hayashida (Linda)[EPISODE 23 - Golden Time]
"If I opened my umbrella on a rainy day, I'd never be able to see the sky. I want to see the sky, even if it's raining" - Kagura Yaoi [EPISODE 41 - Gintama]
"Ironic eh? How people who don't have things usually understand them better than the ones who do" - Gintoki Sakata [EPISODE 42 - Gintama]
"What is right? What is wrong? In this mixed up world, deciding what is right and wrong is not easy. You can't just go by somebody else's rules. If you let yourself be controlled like that, you'll just become a puppet that can't make decisions on its own. You have to live by your rules." - Gintoki Sakata [EPISODE 53 - Gintama]
"I believe that 'fate' is the result of all the choices we make. My fate is mine, you don't need to feel responsible for it." - Sawada [CHAPTER 17 - Boku dake ga Inai machi]
"The true evil is becoming apathetic about other people" - Shinichi Akiyama [CHAPTER 29 - Liar Game]
"La prima qualità di un onest’uomo è il disprezzo della religione, che ci vuole timorosi della cosa più naturale del mondo, che è la morte, odiatori dell’unica cosa bella che il destino ci ha dato, che è la vita, e aspiranti a un cielo dove di eterna beatitudine vivono solo i pianeti, che non godono né di premi né di condanne, ma del loro moto eterno, nelle braccia del vuoto." - Umberto Eco [L'isola del giorno prima]
"Only losers are terrorists. If they win, they are heroes." - Monokuma
"You feel no one understands you, because you don't want to face others!" - Miharu Shirota [EPISODE 2 - Servamp]
"I hate the word “fate.” Birth, encounters, partings, success and failures, fortune and misfortunes in life. If our lives are already set in stone by fate, then why are we even born? There are those born to wealthy families, those born to beautiful mothers, and those born into the middle of war or poverty. If that’s all caused by fate, then God is incredibly unfair and cruel." - Shouma Takakura [EPISODE 1 - Mawaru Penguindrum]
"Why are people born? If people are born only to suffer the hard life, is it meant as some kind of punishment? Or a cynical joke? If that’s the case, animals that adhere to the survival strategies programmed in their DNA are far more elegant and simple. If there really is an existence worthy of being called a God, I want to ask him just one thing: Is there really fate in the universe? If a man ignored fate, and ignored his instincts and DNA to love someone else… Dear God, is he really human? Just wondering. I hate the word “fate.”" - Kanba Takakura [EPISODE 1 - Mawaru Penguindrum]
“Penso che perseguire qualcosa è ciò che significa vivere. Non credo sia un'esagerazione. Voglio dire, tutti moriremo un giorno. La conseguenza della vita è la morte! E preoccuparsi soltanto dei risultati finali mi spaventa.”
- Kazuki Hoshino [CHAPTER ? - VOLUME 1 - Utsuro no Hako to Zero no Maria]
“Si sentiva talmente tormentata perché qualsiasi messaggio, non importa quanto assurdo, guadagna valore dopo essere stato ripetuto così tante volte. Per esempio: non importa quanto tu possa essere confidente nella tua bellezza, se qualcuno ti dice che sei brutto un migliaio di volte, perderai sicuramente quella confidenza in te stesso — anche se quel commento fosse stato fatto solo per scherzare.” - Kazuki Hoshino [CHAPTER ? - VOLUME 1 - Utsuro no Hako to Zero no Maria]
"A mio parere, una cosa veramente importante non è qualcosa di cui ti prendi cura con massima devozione né qualcosa su cui concentri tutto il tuo amore. Credo che una cosa veramente importante sia qualcosa che diventa il tuo pilastro. Quindi se la si perde, finisci per uscirne distrutto come se la tua colonna vertebrale fosse rimossa e rimanesse soltanto un guscio vuoto. Pertanto, una cosa veramente importante è—pari a se stessi." - Ryuu Miyazaki [CHAPTER ? - VOLUME 2 - Utsuro no Hako to Zero no Maria]
"Le persone commettono peccati semplicemente vivendo. La maggior parte di noi si è abituata a questi peccati senza nemmeno rendersene conto. Attraverso i nostri valori egoisti e individualisti, perdoniamo noi stessi. Anche se i nostri peccati sono disgustosi se visti da una prospettiva esterna, siamo pronti ad accettarli senza alcuno scrupolo perché ci siamo abituati alla nostra bruttezza. Per farla semplice: ogni essere umano è terribilmente accondiscendente con se stesso. Noi esseri umani siamo orribili. Pertanto, feriamo gli altri semplicemente vivendo." - Daiya Oomine [CHAPTER?? - VOLUME 5 - Utsuro no Hako to Zero no Maria]
"Più che ai miracoli preferisco credere nell'opera umana." - Misato Katsuragi [EPISODE 7 - Neon Genesis Evangelion]
"Chi sei?
Shniji Ikari
Quello sono io
Io sono te, ciascun individuo ha dentro se stesso un altro se stesso, ogni individuo è, in effetti, costituito da due diversi se stessi.
Due se stessi?
Il se stesso che è soggetto osservante ed il se stesso che è soggetto osservato. Ogni oggetto di osservazione ha una natura molteplice ed esistono, quindi, molteplici Shinji Ikari. Lo Shinji Ikari che è dentro il tuo animo, lo Shinji Ikari che è nell'animo di Misato Katsuragi, lo Shinji Ikari che esiste nell'animo di Asuka Langley, lo Shinji Ikari che esiste nell'animo di Rei Ayanami, lo Shinji Ikari Gendo Ikari, oguno di essi è un diverso Shinji Ikari ma sono tutti il vero Shiji Ikari. Tu hai paura degli altri Shiji Ikari contenuti negli altri Individui.
Io ho paura di essere odiato dagli altri.
Tu hai paura di venire ferito e di soffrire.
Di chi è la colpa?
La colpa è di mio padre, mio padre che mi ha abbandonato
La colpa è mia, io non sono capace di fare nulla, io penso di odiarlo ma non ne sono sicuro. Mio padre mi ha chiamato per nome! Sono stato lodato da mio padre!
Dall'ora hai continuato a vivere rimuginando su quella gioia?
Seguitando a credere in quelle parole, potrò continuare a vivere.
Continuando ad ingannare te stesso?
E' quello che fanno tutti! E' così che le persone riescono a vivere.
Senza l'autoconvinzione di essere nel giusto, vivere non sarebbe possibile.
In questo mondo ci sono troppi motivi di sofferenza perché io vi possa vivere.
Come la tua incapacità di nuotare?
L'uomo non è fatto per galleggiare.
E' un autoinganno.
Non ha importanza come si chiama.
Hai sempre chiuso gli occhi e tappato le orecchie davanti alle cose spiacevoli.
No! Non voglio ascoltare.
Vedi? Stai fuggendo di nuovo.
Nessuno può riuscire a vivere raccogliendo come biglie solo le cose piacevoli, soprattutto io non posso.
Se ho trovato qualcosa di piacevole, se si trova qualcosa di piacevole che c'è di male a dedicarsi solo a quella? Che male c'è?" - Shinji Ikari [EPISODE 16 - Neon Genesis Evangelion]
"Bullying others is the worst thing a person can do!" - Murasaki Kuhouin [EPISODE 3 - Kurenai]
Murasaki : "What's there to think about when it's the right thing to do? Shinkuro: "It's not that simple." Murasaki: "You learned martial arts at Yuuno's house, right? For what reason?" Shinkuro: "To fight." Murasaki: "Then fight right now!" [...] Shinkuro: "You can't just fight anywhere." Murasaki: "Why not?" Shinkuro: "There are times you can resolve things by apologizing, right?" Murasaki: "There is no need! Aren't you ashamed, doing that with that face of yours?" Shinkuro: "Face?" Murasaki: "Your ugly smile!" Shinkuro: "What are you talking about?" Murasaki: "You put on that forced smile of yours." [...] Murasaki: "That smile of yours is weird! You laugh when you have fun, when you are happy! I hate that fake smile!" [...] Murasaki: "And that's how you run away! You just smile when you're troubled to deceive others!" Shinkuro: "No! You will understand when you are older." Murasaki: "That's unfair!" Shinkuro: "You are just ignorant of how society works." - Murasaki Kuhouin & Shinkuro Kurenai [EPISODE 3 - Kurenai]
"I can't forget about my mother either. But dead people are no longer in this world, no matter how much you cry, they won't be found anyhwere. My mother is nowhere and neither are your father and your mother. The people that you and I loved are no longer around. You and I both became alone but then I met you.There'll be two of us if we're together.That's why it's not lonely anymore." - Murasaki Kuhouin [EPISODE 9 - Kurenai]
"Look around. The vast majority of society consists of talentless nobodies, but they've still managed to find some degree of happiness. See? You don't need talent. Talent is merely a shackle and the greater it is, the more it obstructs your search for happiness." - Nagito Komaeda [Super Danganronpa 2.5 OVA - Komaeda Nagito to Sekai no Hakaisha]
"All we can do is adapt. Adapt to living our lives here from now on. A lack of adaptability is a lack of survivability. Survival is not based on who is the strongest or the smartest. It comes down to who can adapt." - Celestia Lundenberg [CHAPTER 1 - Danganronpa: Happy Trigger Havoc]
"Compassion, intimacy, love...the stronger those feelings, the stronger the despair when they collapse!" - Monokuma [CHAPTER 1 - Danganronpa: Happy Trigger Havoc]
"The burden of judging others is a heavy one to bear. So be well aware of your actions!" - Monokuma [CHAPTER 1 - Danganronpa: Happy Trigger Havoc]
"Everyone must scramble to obtain something which is limited. For you to succede, someone else must fail." - Celestia Lundenberg [CHAPTER 2 - Danganronpa: Happy Trigger Havoc]
"Anything that doesn't fit into your preconceived reality, you label it a lie." - Byakuya Togami [CHAPTER 2 - Danganronpa: Happy Trigger Havoc]
"No matter how pathetic you feel or how people laugh at you, if you come back alive, you win." - Mia Grand [EPISODE 2 - Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka?]
"This is why I hate adventurers. But, I guess...this is what I deserve for deceiving Bell-sama, who was so nice to me. If that's true, then, maybe I should give up. But it hurts. God, why? Why did you make me like this? I hate myself for being so weak and small. And nothing ever changes for me. I was so lonely, I wanted to be with someone. I wanted to be needed, but it's over now. I can finally die, I can finally end this. The me who can't do anything, the weak me, the small me, the worthless me, the lonely me." - Liliruca Arde [EPISODE 6 - Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka?]
"If you spend all your time trying to avoid danger, you'll never move forward." - Kyoko Kirigiri [CHAPTER 5 - Danganronpa: Happy Trigger Havoc]
"I am all alone, all alone. Being alone makes me feel empty." - Hanabi Yorizuka [Kuzu no Honkai - EPISODE 5]
"I lock up my real feelings and hide them deep inside to make sure nobody ever finds out." - Hanabi Yorizuka [Kuzu no Honkai - EPISODE 6]
"Quando Dio ti da una svastica in realtà ti apre una finestra, e poi ti ricordi che non c'è nessun Dio." - Galina Reznikov [Orange is the new Black - SEASON 4 / EPISODE 9]
"Try to look at your experience here as a Mandala, Chapman. "Work hard to make something as beautiful and meaningful as you can, and when you're done, pack it in and know it was all temporary, "You have to remember that. It’s all temporary." - Erica Jones [Orange is the new Black - SEASON 1 / EPISODE 1]
"It doesn't make a difference whether you have a talent or not. I mean, it isn't the end goal. You have greater freedom than we do. All I have are games, but you can go anywhere and become anything you want" - Chiaki Nanami [Danganronpa 3: The end of Kibougamine Gakuen - Zetsubou Hen]
'La vita è solo l'attesa di qualcosa di diverso da quello che stiamo facendo; e la morte è tutto quello che giustamente possiamo aspettarci.' - Swales [Dracula di Bram Stoker - CAPITOLO SESTO]
"I've had that wish since middle school, but it was all talk. I never thought of actually making it happen, I thought it'd be stupid to get my hopes up only to embarass myself. But, wishes don't come true unless you wish out loud." - Kumiko Oumae [Hibike!Euphonium - SEASON 1 / EPISODE 13]
"Penso che il cervello sia l'anima, non credo alla vita dopo la morte e tanto meno a un paradiso in versione condominiale, dove reincontrare amici, nemici, parenti, conoscenti." - Margherita Hack
"Vedi tutto quando il mondo non vede te" - Liz Taylor [American Horror Story: Hotel]
"Kind people always blame themselves, that's why they shatter. You tried hard, you were brave. Don't try to erase yourself" - Asahi Koube [Happy Sugar Life - EPISODE 8]
"We are all alone from birth to death, and even though we can't really understand each other, we are still forced to associate all among the way. There are only two ways out: biological death or social death. The world is brimming with people observing me, no matter where I escape. And again, another day starts where I am forced to bend into a group. I am suffocating, crammed into a tiny, narrow box, our classroom, together with various people who keep attacking me." - Yukimi Mitsui [Kamisu Reina wa koko ni Iru - CHAPTER 1 / VOLUME 2]
"I've always felt like I were in a small box, and I felt agonized by the people that were crammed into that box along with me. I hated that box, but in truth I was protected by that box. Outside of it, I would have beaten up and died in an instat. But where can I live in peace? Nowhere, I am sure. A weak person like me will be attacked and killed wherever she's." - Yukimi Mitsui [Kamisu Reina wa koko ni Iru - CHAPTER 1 / VOLUME 2]
"Life is and will always be hopeless. We live our pitch-dark lives as we cling to shiny shards that appear every now and then, and then we think back atthose shards with a nostalgic smile on our face, like fools. However, I don't have a past to take refuge. I don't have a past to romanticize in my mind when I lose hope in reality. I have no other choice but to accept that life is filled with despair from bottom to top. Therefore, the only place I can escape is death." - Fumi Saito [Kamisu Reina wa koko ni Iru - CHAPTER 1 / VOLUME 1]
"When you are a realist, you lose the ability to have dreams, you know? For instance, let's assume I wanted to become a writer, in that case, I would realize it's futile before even trying. There are thousands and thousands of aspiring writers, but only a small fraction of them make it and only another fraction is able to get by. Because of my position as student council, I often find myself surveying all of our students from the stage. Almost five hundred, that's an overwhelming number! If only one of these five hundred received the talent of succeeding as a writer, how many lots would I have to draw? Do I have that talent right now? Of course not, I never was the best in anything. When you are a realist, you look up and when you look up, you see an endless sky. Why would I have the privilege to go all the way to the top? How could I soar up into the sky when I am currently crawling on the ground? Do you understand, Anna? That's the pain of being realistic." - Sakura Kawaii [Kamisu Reina wa koko ni Iru - CHAPTER 3 / VOLUME 2]
"The way I see it, we are only ourselves because we implicitly possess things such as souls, consciousnesses and personalities. Right now, we recognise Aoki's body as Nagase Iori because it's being possessed by Nagase Iori's soul, however what we call our souls and personalities are things we can neither touch nor see. Which is why we normally determine who people are by looking at their bodies, in other words - our bodies are the absolute foundation of our existences. However, if our bodies no longer define us because of, say, body-swaps, then do we still exist in this world as ourselves?" - Iori Nagase [Kokoro Connect - EPISODE 1]
"I did everything to suit other people, as long as I did that and acted how they wanted, not only would they not reprimand me, they'd even praise me. I even matched my likes and dislikes to their tastes. [...] I've played different versions of myself. [...] 'Be free', having been told that, I tried to change. But what was it that I liked? What did I want to do? I had always lived by playing the version of myself that pleased others and it seemes I had forgotten what I was really like. Even though I wanted to live according to my own wishes, I didn't know what they were. That's why I decided to play a character who goes along with the flow. Ironically, the thing I am sure of about myself is my ability to read other people. [...]" - Iori Nagase [Kokoro Connect - EPISODE 4]
"As long as a person looks the same, no one notices if the personaity inside has changed." - Iori Nagase [Kokoro Connect - EPISODE 5]
"If you are lonely, just say it. If you are worried, say it. Not everyone in the world is sensitive as you are! If you want the insensitive people to know that, say it! I know you might feel embarrassed or worried, but say it." - Iori Nagase [Kokoro Connect - EPISODE 10]
"Everyone's keeping their hopes up for me to play this Nagase Iori character." - Iori Nagase [Kokoro Connect - EPISODE 14]
"This is wrong, this isn't it. I can't keep it up anymore, I can't. It's i mpossible. I can't do it. I am such a liar. No, I definitely haven't been lying, I definitely, definitely haven't been. But my ideals and reality are separating, I can't do it any more, there is no way I can keep it up any more. I can't even lead a normal life." - Iori Nagase [Kokoro Connect - EPISODE 15]
"There is no way I can go back. Yui, you didn't see anything and you didn't notice anything. It's not just you, everyone's like that. Nobody noticed how I really am." - Iori Nagase [Kokoro Connect - EPISODE 15]
"What kind of person do you want me to be? I can't be the person everyone wants me to be. I can't be a wonderful person who makes everyone happy and is universally loved. I'm actually a pretty gloomy person. But I pretended to be cheerful, everyone else seemed to like it better that way and it was more fun for me too. But I am tired of pretending to be the ideal me. [...] I've been scared to be called a liar because I am a completely different person on the inside!" - Iori Nagase [Kokoro Connect - EPISODE 16]
"I don't have to be perfect, I don't have to meet everybody's expectations. There are people who accept me as I am. Life isn't about doing everything right, it's about doing what you want to do. Being whom you want to be. That's what I should be focusing on. Enough, enough is enough! I am going to follow my heart. Nagase Iori is going to be Nagase Iori! Be free, be more free!" - Iori Nagase [Kokoro Connect - EPISODE 17]
"E' l'ignoranza e l'indifferenza dei cittadini che conferisce ai regnanti il loro potere" - Asano Atsuko
"Lo scopo della vita è lo sviluppo di noi stessi, la perfetta realizzazione della nostra natura: è per questo che noi esistiamo." - Oscar Wilde
"i will shoot a paper airplane at italy to slap u" - Airi 2k19
"I didn't fix you, you can't make a person better, the best you can do is giving them a chance" - Rapunzel [Tangled the Series - EPISODE 12, SEASON 1]
"Io: Mo' scrivo Shinji Ikari, chissà cosa esce; Sbada: 'O nnumero ro psichiatra" - Sba&LL [17/05/2019]
"why would you give in to your gloomy side if you can laugh so cute" - Noelle [27/05/2019]
"I realized no matter how far I run, I'm still me." - Kakeru Kurahara [Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru - EPISODE 13]
“If you’re a guy, you can buy human rights.” - Kusaoka Haruma [Kuzu to Kinka no Qualidea - "Haruma" - CHAPTER 1 - VOLUME 1]
"Non si ha il diritto di avere una opinione. Si ha il diritto di avere un'opinione informata. Nessuno ha il diritto di essere ignorante." - Harlan Ellison
"Back then, I was always on my own but I never felt sad or alone. Every day, there were so many things to see, to hear, to imagine. Being on my own was always such a treat. But, after I moved to Japan, everyone told me it was sad to be alone. Even though I didn't think it was, I started to feel that way too. I have a lot of fun with everyone in the Radio Research Society, but - sometimes - I worry. If I get too accustomed to being around everyone, will I start to feel afraid to be alone? That's why sometimes I feel like being alone. I want to be alone." - Chloe Morisu [Akanesasu Shoujo - EPISODE 6]
"Thou know'st 'tis common; all that lives must die, Passing through nature to eternity." - Queen [The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark - Arc I; Scene II by William Shakespeare]
"Those who die do not come back. Physical bodies, time and values can never be retrieved. My feelings of embracing the thirst for death remained firmly rooted within me, but they had fallen to the bottom of a deep, deep sleep. “Don’t wake up yet”, I would tell them every morning. There were days when I would think that living really was hard, but during those times, I would close my eyes and strongly reminisce to that instant in which my minimum and maximum intermingled. That I was going to perish in a small boat meant as a coffin, decorated with flowers. That I had cried in it about how I did not want to die. That someone had saved me. That her artificial arm had reached out to me." - Lux Sibyl [Violet Evergarden - VOLUME 2, CHAPTER 4/10]
"Perciò le medesime circostanze, i medesimi avvenimenti esterni impressionano ogni individuo in modo affatto differente, e, quantunque tutti siano posti nello stesso mezzo, ognuno vive in un mondo differente. Perchè ciascuno non ha direttamente a che fare se non colle sue proprie sensazioni, e coi movimenti della sua propria volontà: le cose esterne non hanno influenza su lui che in quanto determinino questi fenomeni interni. Il mondo in cui si vive dipende dal modo d’intenderlo, che è differente per ogni testa; secondo la natura delle intelligenze esso sembrerà povero, scipito e volgare, o ricco, interessante ed importante." - Arthur Schopenhauer [Aforismi sulla saggezza della vita, Capitolo 1]
"Ma d’altronde un’intelligenza superiore ha per condizione immediata una sensibilità più viva, e per radice un più grande impeto della volontà e per conseguenza della passione; dall’unione di queste due condizioni deriva una intensità più considerevole di ogni emozione ed una sensibilità esagerata per i dolori morali ed eziandio pei fisici, come pure una grande intolleranza di faccia al minimo ostacolo, od anche al minimo sconcerto. " - Arthur Schopenhauer [Aforismi sulla saggezza della vita, Capitolo 2]
"What you said was right. You did what you did in order to teach me something. Therefore, do not apologize. Thoughtlessly apologizing will only make what you have been trying to convey lose its meaning" - Murasaki Kuhouin [Kurenai - VOLUME 1, CHAPTER 2]
"I am not going to run away. Things I don't like will not disappear even if I run away from them. That's why I accepted her invitation" - Murasaki Kuhouin [Kurenai - VOLUME 1, CHAPTER 3]
"I can kill myself if things continue like this. I will be able to kill myself. The healthy kids will be sold. The pretty kids, the smart kids, I don't have any of those qualities. On the contrary, I have a weak body and a weak spirit; the chance of me dying before we get to the next port is high. I was too scared to kill myself but in this hopeless situation that I cannot run away from, I can kill myself. Ah, I can finally die. I can finally meet them again, I am so happy." - Shinkuro Kurenai [Kurenai - VOLUME 1, CHAPTER 3]
"Optimism is essential for people to live satisfied lives" - Nagito Komaeda [Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair, PROLOGUE]
"Zaha non poteva essere avvicinata senza vederne i lati taglienti. Valeva però la pena guardarli, perché alla fine l'unico specchio dove possiamo incontrare all'infinito il nostro volto è quello rotto." - [Morgana - Michela Murgia & Chiara Tagliaferri]
“Non rimpiango le persone che ho perso col tempo, ma rimpiango il tempo che ho perso con certe persone, perché le persone non mi appartenevano, gli anni sì.” [Carl Gustav Jung]
"Because the truth is we are our memories. And each one of them, the good and the bad, makes you the person you are." - Alba Romero Méndez [Las Chicas del cable - EPISODE 2, SEASON 1]
"Non trincerarti nell'illusione che solo ciò che dici tu, e nient'altro, sia giusto." - Emone [Il dilemma di Antigone - Sofocle]
"Luck is an offensive, abhorrent concept. The idea that there is a force in the universe titling events in your favor or against it is ridiculous. Idiots rely on luck." - Sherlock Holmes [ELEMENTARY - EPISODE 5, SEASON 1]
"Stop waiting for someone to tell you what's the right thing to do." - Madame Razz [She-Ra and the Princesses of power - EPISODE 3, SEASON 1]
"You're worth more than what you can give to other people. You deserve love too" - Mara [She-Ra and the Princesses of power - EPISODE 12, SEASON 4]
"Erika: 'Che c'è di male a essere amati?' Simone: 'La gente giusta non ti ama mai! Tua madre dovrebbe amarti! Tuo marito. Le persone di cui ti fidi. Ma ti deludo sempre! E una volta che permetti a qualcuno di ferirti...effetto domino. Diventi vulnerabile, e la gente se ne approfitta. Ti salta addosso, vedono le crepe della tua corazza.'" - Erika Foster and Simone Matthews [THE NIGHT STALKER, Chapter 83] - Robert Bryndza
"But if someone doesn't properly turn you down, you're left in a between state permanently" - Rio Yamamoto [OMOI, OMOWARE, FURI, FURARE - CHAPTER 4]
"You're right, I only like myself. So what? People are a pain in the ass. People are fucking stupid. People never act the way you expect them to. There is nothing good about them." - Kei Kunieda [Yes ka No ka Hanbun ka - VOLUME 1, CHAPTER 4]
"That's because I want you to understand me. In the entire world, you're the only one I want to understand me. But at the same time, you're the only one I don't want to find out about my lies. I wonder which 'me' thinks of you so deeply that you're all that I think about." - Kei Kunieda [Yes ka No ka Hanbun ka - VOLUME 1, CHAPTER 8]
"I fucking hate that word. It's humiliating. Losers call themselves awkward thinking they can justify their stupidity and shamelessness with a single word, going, 'Oh, but that's just who I am,' and expecting the rest of the world to pick up after them. But they sure are clever enough to babble about how shamelessly awkward they are. I'm not a shameful fuck like them!" - Kei Kunieda [Yes ka No ka Hanbun ka - VOLUME 2, CHAPTER 17]
"It only felt like dying because actually I was still alive. You have to be, to feel that way. I wasn't dead, I was just really, really sad. But then I learned a secret, I didn't even need to be sad anymore. Dead doesn't mean gone, so you don't need to be sad." - Flora Wingrave [The Hauting of Bly Manor - EPISODE 4]
"No matter how many people you lose, you have no other choice than keep on living" - Tanjiro Kamado [Kimetsu no Yaiba - EPISODE 7, SEASON 1]
"I hate myself more than anyone else, I always think I have to get my act together. But I end up cowering, running away, sniveling. I want to change, I want to become a competent person. Even still, I am doing the best I can, all right?" - Zenitsu Agatsuma [Kimetsu no Yaiba, EPISODE 17, SEASON 1]
"La vergogna di sé è la violenza più immobilizante che l'anima possa subire. Esistono altri luoghi in noi, come il pudore o il segreto, che possono ospitare una visione di noi che non ci convince del tutto. Luoghi dolci dove le nostre oscurità sono parcheggiate, per darci tempo e volontà di perdonarle. La vergogna è una protezione che non protegge. La vergogna imprigiona e butta via la chiave. Ma per fortuna, ognuno di noi ha un duplicato di quella chiave." - Drusilla Foer ["Tu non conosci la vergogna" - Pagina 46]
"Tutto sommato sono sempre una donna ragionevole. Ho sentito spesso definirmi "un po' matta...", una visione di me che tende ad innervosirmi. Le persone che usano questa frase fatta, stupidamente affettuosa, sono spesso soggetto che non riescono minimamente a comprendere quanta volontà e lucidità siano necessari per fare una scelta fuori dai parametri del buon senso comune. Il buon senso comune non richiede molto impegno poiché, in quanto tale, ha sempre l'approvazione della comunità. - Drusilla Foer ["Tu non conosci la vergogna" - Pagina 86]
"Valentine's Day can go jump off a cliff for all I care" - Erika Chiba [Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei: Raihousha-hen - EPISODE 6]
"I think everyone might be great at observing others but maybe we're not very good at observing ourselves." - Kanata Konoe [Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai 2nd season - EPISODE 3, SEASON 2]
"In this world, there is only one me. It doesn't matter if I can do it perfectly, this is something only I can do." - Yuu Takasaki [Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai 2nd season - EPISODE 3, SEASON 2]
"You need to interact with strangers, hurt them, get hurt by them, learn about people and learn about yourself too or else you can't become capable of true empathy. Keep training now and don't run away." - Shigure Souma [Fruit Basket 1st Season, EPISODE 2, SEASON 1]
"She was my spring. I was snow. I'd frozen somewhere among the line in my dark cage. And she was a fresh, bright spring. I fell in love like it was a logical necessity." - Hatori Soma [Fruit Basket 1st Season - EPISODE 7, SEASON 1]
"Instead of doing nothing and regretting it, I thought I'd rather do everything possible and then regret it. I know I have zero chances but there is nothing more frustrating than just sitting idly by." - Koyuki Ayase [Zutto Mae kara Suki deshita.: Kokuhaku Jikkou Iinkai]
"Wanting to change is always the first step." - Koyuki Ayase [Zutto Mae kara Suki deshita.: Kokuhaku Jikkou Iinkai]
"Sometimes she forces me to realize I am the dirtiest out of all of us." - Shigure Soma [Fruit Basket 1st Season - EPISODE 10, SEASON 1]
"I always care about myself most of the times" - Shigure Soma [Fruit Basket 1st Season - EPISODE 10, SEASON 1]
"There are things I wanted, things I pictured myself. Parents who would hug me, a home I'd want to go return to. A place where everyone would smiled, a me that everyone wouldn't leave. A warm place, a warm person. They really exist." - Yuki Soma [Fruit Basket 1st Season - EPISODE 12, SEASON 1]
"I don't think there are any memories that are okay to forget - not one. " - Momiji Soma [ Fruit Basket 1st Season - EPISODE 14, SEASON 1]
"I've decided to live my life bearing all my memories, even if they're sad memories - memories that only ever hurt me memories that sometimes I wish I could forget, if I can face and bear those memories and work hard to accept them then one day I believe I can become someone who isn't defeated by those memories. I want to believe I can. I want to believe that there isn't a single memory that's okay to forget." - Momiji Soma [ Fruit Basket 1st Season - EPISODE 14, SEASON 1]
"You rebel against what's pure but when you're filthy you start to long for what's pure." - Kyoko Honda [Fruit Basket 1st Season - EPISODE 17, SEASON 1]
"Everyone gets creepy when there is a cute girl in front of them." - Kyou Nekozaki [Kawaii dake ja Nai Shikimori-san - EPISODE 4]
"Embarrassment and stubbornness are enemies of growth." - Chizuru Godai [Dance Dance Danseur - EPISODE 4]
"Ci vuole sempre qualcuno nella vita che ti sfidi, la soglia va alzata, sempre. Mai fare una cosa che non abbia senso, che non abbia dignità artistica" - Drusilla Foer ["Tu non conosci la vergogna" - Pagina 182]
"I felt embarrassed and I hated myself. 'Learn to love yourself', what does that mean? How are we supposed to find something good about ourselves? The whole reason why we hate ourselves is because we can only see the parts we hate. So forcing ourselves to find the good points feels hollow, like we're making things up. I think it's only when someone says they love you that you're able to start loving yourself. I think when someone accepts you, then you feel you can forgive yourself a little and start to love yourself. " - Yuki Soma [Fruits Basket 1st season, EPISODE 18 - SEASON 1]
"It's not like I suddenly became stronger nor did anything change. My body still trembles, but I'll keep facing my fears. What's important is the desire to improve, which stems from weakness." - Yuki Soma [Fruits Basket 1st season, EPISODE 18 - SEASON 1]
"Ritsu: I am just alive. There is probably no reason why someone worthless as me was born. Tohru: You're looking for that reason. Deep down, you're probably desperately searching for that reason. Looking for it on your own. I think maybe no one is born already having a reason to be here. Because I think it might be something you need to find and decide for yourself. Maybe you can find the reason in a dream, or a job, or in others. Sometimes maybe the reason you find feels vague and uncertain and unstable. You might even lose the reason, but as long as you're alive you want a reason." - Ritsu Soma & Tohru Honda [Fruits Baskest 1st season - EPISODE 19, SEASON 1]
"I love Kisa and I wanted to be true to my feelings. And I wanted the family head to understand that. But, I am unfair. It's my fault Kisa got hurt but I couldn't say anything to her or the family head. Why? Why am I such a child? Even though I can't do anything, even though I am just a bratty kid, I got jealous of her for showing up and helping. I suck. I am sick to death of how childish I am. I don't want to be like this. I want to be a mature adult but I..." - Hiro Soma [Fruits Basket 1st Season - Episode 20, SEASON 1]
"You mustn't assume that liking him gives you license to say whatever you want. You should think again if you believe that you can do whatever you want just because you like him. Don't forget that forcing your intense love on someone can burder or hurt them. Don't forget to respect their feelings and be considerate of them. Or else they might end up hating you." - Megumi Hanajima [Fruits Basket 1st Season, Episode 21 - SEASON 1]
"Even if people have stars they're destined for, I am tired of not being able to reach them, of not being enough. I will struggle and writhe until I devour the starring role." - Junna Hoshimi [Shoujo☆Kageki Revue Starlight Movie]
Nana: "My Junna-chan hasn't that type of role", "who are you Hoshimi Junna?" Junna: "I don't need the role you've given me. My path is something I will cut my way through myself! All the stages you've prepared for me, I'll cut them all short! The one who's blinded by the lights here is you, because on this stage I am the dazzling lead, Hoshimi Junna! That will be my next stage, even if it's far away, I won't give up, I'll keep reaching out to the stage where Hoshimi Junna is the lead." - Nana Daiba & Junna Hoshimi [Shoujo☆Kageki Revue Starlight Movie]
"As hard as I try, I can't reach their level. I can't close that distance, no matter how hard I work. But that doesn't mean I can give up. I want to become a star. But I was given a chance, a chance to shine with my own light. To stand center stage, with the spotlight right on me. I think I might be able to. I'll become a star." - Junna Hoshimi [Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight - EPISODE 2]
"All I've done in my life was study, until for the first time I found it. That sparkling dream. What I desired wasn't status of knowledge. I met a star of my very own, Fate brought me to it. On that day, I was reborn as a Stage girl. But, no matter how hard I tried, I could never catch up to them. They were always running so far ahead of me. I won't let myself be buried, I will overcome them. I won't lose, I can't lose. I'll catch up, no matter what. This audition is my chance, I won't let it pass me by. Not for anything, I will seize my star with my own hands, so that my time to shine will never end." - Junna Hoshimi [Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight - EPISODE 2]
"It's not true that you only get one shot. We will return on the stage over and over again" - Karen Aijou [Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight - EPISODE 2]
"Take it with you, the time that was precious to you, the things you worked so hard to protect. Take it all with you." - Junna Hoshimi [Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight - EPISODE 9]
"The crime of attempting to grasp the Star, eh? So then, we Stage girls who aimed to become Top Stars are steeped in sin, aren't we? But so what? No matter what everyone says, I will grasp a star! A star all my own!" - Junna Hoshimi [Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight - EPISODE 11]
"I believe that working hard to be your best self is admirable, but if you dwell on that so much that you lose yourself, things that should go well might fall apart. Putting an act all the time can become tiring." - Loid Forger [Spy x Family - EPISODE 9]
"I can't stand it if I am not the best, it makes me want to die. If I can do something about it by working hard, then it's simple. I'll work as hard as I need to." - Natsuki Oikawa [Dance Dance Danseur - EPISODE 8]
"Life and death are a side of the same coin." - Protagonist/Sora Otonashi[Worldend Syndrome]
"Throughout our lives, death is always close to us, but we don't notice. Rather, we act lie we don't notice." - Protagonist/Sora Otonashi[Worldend Syndrome]
"She ws like the sun to me, I loved her. But life can disappear so easily. So instantly." - Protagonist/Sora Otonashi[Worldend Syndrome]
"Life is cruel, life is hard - obviously. Only people like you, who think life should be easy try to escape when they feel that pain. Why don't you accept it?" - Miu Amana [Worldend Syndrome]
"This messed up world— I wish this awful world would end." - Protagonist [Worldend Syndrome]
"Go ahead and throw away whatever you need to. Your past self, even your name. Go ahead and throw it all away. But one day, you'll wish you hadn't. Because no matter how much of the past you try to push away, it's all a part of you. Throwing something out isn't the same as starting over. There's always meaning in the pain. It'll become part of you." - Kaori Yamashiro [Worldend Syndrome]
"Traditions change as does the culture generations." - Saya Kamishiro [Worldend Syndrome]
"Sleeping is the greatest form of rebellion that I have against the world." - Protagonist/Sora Otonashi[Worldend Syndrome]
"Fine, I am just a difficult woman." - Saya Kamishiro [Worldend Syndrome]
"No, I am scared to like someone." - Saya Kamishiro [Worldend Syndrome]
"Contrary to popular blief, I feel a little down sometimes. Things don't go always as I'd hoped. My father once asked me: 'Saya, do you know that to do when you're out fishing but you can't catch anything?' He said - with a serious face - 'You keep going until you catch one.'. He said that battles go to who fights withe longest. My father taught me to never give up. But whenever I hit a wall, I get depressed. So I came here to remind myself how insignificant life is, and that way all my problems start to feel small, too." - Saya Kamishiro [Worldend Syndrome]
"I don't remember you raising anything but a glass. All I got from you was bruises and scratches." - Rei Nikaido [Worldend Syndrome]
"Since I was a child, every day he would make me listen to his rants about how my mother left. I think he was taking his frustration towards her on me. I was like a slave, now that I think about it I was constantly considering how I might die by junior high school. I even blamed my mother for escaping, for leaving me behind. It was around that time Tatsumi-san came to me. I still remember that day vividly, I think I was looking for a place to escape. Tatsumi-san gave me just one condition: I would have to live in her house to take lessons there, but my father would never approved of that. When I talked to my father about entering show business, he was angry. I thought he was going to hit me again, but then Tatsumi-san stormed in the front door with child walfare services. And it wasn't long afterwards that I was taken into her custody and Tatsumi-san adopted me as a foster parent. - Rei Nikaido [Worldend Syndrome]
"Then I am your girlfriend now, is that okay?" - Rei Nikaido [Worldend Syndrome]
"When I was living with my father, I had no aspirations and no future. Nothing. The constant physical and verbal abuse...I picked up everything my mother had left behind. But even during those tough times I had one small hope. That is that my mother was still out there, even though I resented her. I thought that one day she would come for me. She'd rescue me from my father. I told myself that, and that's how I was able to endure it. But my mother never appeared. Just time, passing. I think I was in the third or fourth grade when I overheard my father talking on the phone, he said my mother returned to Mihate Town, where she was born. I wanted to run away from home to see her, but I was too small. I had no idea where Mihate Town was or how I could get there and even if I made it there. I wouldn't know how to find my mother. No, actually I was afraid I might find her. What if seeing my face was too much for her? I was scared to fid out my mother didn't love me. Because she never came back for me. No matter how hard I prayed and I prayed. But when Tatsumi-san approached me in the city, I thought that the wheel of my fate had started turning. I thought I could turn my life around. When I moved in with Tatsumi-san I just focused on everything in front of me. Singing, dancing and acting. Considering my life up to that point, I didn't find any of that painful. Hey, what do you think happiness is all about? I've only discovered it recently, happiness is it's about of being of use to someone else. I am now being useful to so many people, I couldn't be happier. Some people in the future, people may forget I ever lived. I am not afraid of that. I've started to believe that I have value for others. That is my happiness." - Rei Nikaido [Worldend Syndrome]
"In order to keep living in this world, I knew I needed to confront my past self. That past self who constantly wanted to kill herself. The reason why I want to complete Worldend here in Mihate Town is for myself. An act of farewell, to my mother." - Rei Nikaido [Worldend Syndrome]
"I am okay now, because I am not alone anymore." - Rei Nikaido [Worldend Syndrome]
"I waited, I waited forever for the day my mother would come back for me! For her to rescue me from my father. My mother would never abandon me! I need to see her. I have a reason, no - I have the right! I have so much to say to her. That's why I am filming this movie - here in this place, Mihate Town. My mom is watching me, let me film it!" - Rei Nikaido [Worldend Syndrome]
"If you want to leave your family and live on your own, tell me. If you're prepared to become a new person. If you have the courage to leave behind the pain and the bruises. So what do you say?" - Charlotte Tatsumi [Worldend Syndrome]
"This isn't a mess. Everything is strategically placed. I know exactly where everything is." - Maimi Kusunose [Worldend Syndrome]
"In mythology it's the most important that we understand the feelings the stories represent. But no matter how much I study, the answer keeps moving futher and futher out of my gasp. Isn't that true? Time only moves in one direction. You can't go back to the past. I am not allowed to find truths, but if I can't find what's real, mythology is just fairy tailes. So what am I doing? This is my conflict." - Kaori Yamashiro [Worldend Syndrome]
"Be yourself. Live in freedom. I am only joking, you might not be ready for that kind of thing just yet. There's no need to rush. Time will resolve this, time is a wonderful thing. You'll come to realize that someday." - Kaori Yamashiro [Worldend Syndrome]
"And none of them know jack squat about me. They say I am cute, as long as I keep my mouth shout. That's not me." - Maimi Kusunose [Worldend Syndrome]
"It'd be impossible to go out with me, anyway. I am not cute, I am stubborn, I curse a lot..." - Maimi Kusunose [Worldend Syndrome]
"Shut up! I can cook if I really want to. I can do it when I try, okay?" - Maimi Kusunose [Worldend Syndrome]
"I am clumsy and brash and I act like a guy. I do understand my own personality." - Maimi Kusunose [Worldend Syndrome]
"I don't lie." - Maimi Kusunose [Worldend Syndrome]
"If you can't say it, it's fine. I already admitted it. And I can't lie about it. There is nothing I can do." - Maimi Kusunose [Worldend Syndrome]
"If our lives end just as flowers die then we're nothingness." - Hikaru Tsukioka/Maimi Kusunose [Worldend Syndrome]
"Do you ever look up at the night sky? Countless stars sparkle up there. They're over your head day and night but only show themselves in the dark. What's always there when you look up...because of how we think about the sky, we sometimes forget about the stars. But who decides that they're always there and when? It's true for our lives as well. One day we will all realize that we shouldn't take our daily lives for granted." - Hikaru Tsukioka/Maimi Kusunose [Worldend Syndrome]
"Choosing to live takes courage." - Yukino Otonashi [Worldend Syndrome]
"It's strange. I hated this world so much, but now I am starting to want to keep being part of it." - Protagonist/Sora Otonashi[Worldend Syndrome]
"Memory itself is the proof we're alive." - Protagonist/Sora Otonashi[Worldend Syndrome]
"I was the same as you, I thought the world is boring...I found it hard to face the long life ahead of me. I was wishing a meteor would come down, or the town might vanis altogether...that was all I thought about. There's one thing I've learned, living is hard. That's the way it is. But the important thing is to know the pain, I can think like that know. Otherwise, I'll disappear without understanding anything (...) this pain will work at my advantage someday." - Miu Amana [Worldend Syndrome]
"Please don't joke about that. I'd rather die than get together with him again." - Aileen Lauren Dautriche [Akuyaku Reijou nanode Last Boss wo Kattemimashita - EP