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despite being a self-absorbed asshole, this exists because i have tons of shit private that i want to keep in case i lose all the things i have saved and i didnt know where to put them LOL

hiraeth hobbies (Friendship OTPs)
notes (Characters I wouldn't match (to update))
hobbies (Favorie Characters: Female)
Kamisama notes (things I don't wanna match.)
about me (Characters with friends)

"It would've been so much easier if I was dead but I didn't have the courage to die. I waited every day for this world to perish on its own." - Protagonist [Worldend Syndrome]

"People can start over, some things in life can't be taken back. As long as we live, we accumulate burdens that we have to carry. But people can start over." - Ryoko Ryuzaki [Worldend Syndrome]

"You can see her anytime. As long as you live your life, she'll be watching over you, from far away." - Hanako Yamada/Rei Nikaido [Worldend Syndrome]

"We've lost so many things, but it's time to move forward. I think that's how we should live in this world." - Saya Kamishiro [Worldend Syndrome]

"I've met you and you've met me, doesn't that mean that you've moved forward?" - Kensuke Asagi [Worldend Syndrome]

"Having become friends with you all is a proof that I'm moving forward" - Protagonist/Sora Otonashi [Worldend Syndrome]

"No one truly dies as long as they live on in our memories. As long as there's proof that they lived in this world." - Yamato Amane [Worldend Syndrome]

"The world is a question without an answer. Let us live together and walk together."[Worldend Syndrome]

"You decide. Don't assume things. Do you want to distance yourself? That's all I want to know." - Arisa Uotani [Fruits Basket - EPISODE 22, SEASON 1]

"I want to become more a reliable person." - Tohru Honda [Fruits Basket - EPISODE 23, SEASON 1]

"I am sick of losing people, sick of pity, sick of feeling miserable and sick of having things forced on me." - Kyo Soma [Fruits Basket - EPISODE 24, SEASON 1]

"Were you ashamed of me? Weren't you? You never acknlowdged the real me, so why are you proclaming how much you love me?" - Kyo Soma [Fruits Basket - EPISODE 24, SEASON 1]

"It would have been fine if she didn't love all of me or if she was scared of me. Being scared would've meant she was looking at the ugly part of me." - Kyo Soma [Fruits Basket - EPISODE 24, SEASON 1]

"Yuki: You're always busy worrying about other people. Hatsuharu: I guess that's just my nature." - Yuki & Hatsuharu Soma [Fruits Basket - EPISODE 25, SEASON 1]

"They're small things but I am trying to get better at things I am not good at. I want to change myself that way, little by little. I hope to someday become a man who can let myself experience my feelings without being overcome by them." - Yuki Soma [Fruits Basket - EPISODE 25, SEASON 1]

"I always felt comfortable chasing after my brother and my mom [...] I just did what they told me to do. That was enough. Maybe the truth is that I don't know what I want to be. But it's okay if I am not the real me, I'll become the me I want to be." - Micchon Shikimori [Kawaii dake ja Nai Shikimori-san, EPISODE 11]

"I am always doing things that make trouble for you. I never know what to do. For so many things, it's the first time for me so I don't know. So, all I can do is behave the way I know how. I don't know any other ways. This is the only way I can do it." - Kaguya Shinomiya [Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen, EPISODE 9, SEASON 1]

"If he doesn't have anything to feel guilty about, then there is no need for him to apologise." - Yuu Ishigami [Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen, EPISODE 10, SEASON 1]

"Even if your wounds fester unpleasantly, even if you topple over in the face of injustice, even if you're forced down when you try to stand to continue glare with affection and longing, that look in the eyes is the true nature of beauty." - Belaf [Made in Abyss: Retsujitsu no Ougonkyou, EPISODE 1]

"The light that no one else has found exists only in the true darkness." - Belaf [Made in Abyss: Retsujitsu no Ougonkyou, EPISODE 1]

"Non mi piace mentire, perciò, se lo faccio dev'esserci un buon motivo." - Isabella Marie Swan [Twilight/Midnight Sun]

"L'unica cosa per la quale non è abbastanza forte è starle lontano. E' una causa persa." - Mary Alice Brandon Cullen [Midnight Sun]

"Amavo Bella? Pensavo di no. Non ancora [...] vedevo benissimo quanto sarebbe stato facile innamorarsi di lei. Esattamente come cadere: senza sforzo. Impedirmi di amarla era l'opposto, era arrampicarmi su uno strapiombo, una mano dopo l'altra, un'impresa estenuante." - Edward Anthony Masen Cullen [Midnight Sun]

"Quasi tutti i miei pensieri giravano intorno a lei, come se fosse il centro di gravità della mia mente." - Edward Anthony Masen Cullen [Midnight Sun]

"A che punto ero arrivato! Ero totalmente concentrato sugli stessi insulsi drammi da liceali che un tempo avevo disprezzato tanto." - Edward Anthony Masen Cullen [Midnight Sun]

"Io immaginavo il suono che avrebbe prodotto il suo corpo se avesse colpito la parente con forza sufficiente a spaccargli la maggior parte delle ossa" - Edward Anthony Masen Cullen [Midnight Sun]

"Io ardevo dal desiderio di polverizzare il suo cranio a mani nude e lasciarlo come monito per chiunque sarebbe stato il prescelto" - Edward Anthony Masen Cullen [Midnight Sun]

"Rimasero confusi perché, una volta tanto, mi stavo sganasciando dalle risate invece di lanciare sguardi omicidi ad ogni cosa in vista." - Edward Anthony Masen Cullen [Midnight Sun]

"Sono sempre stata brava a reprimere gli episodi spiacevoli." - Isabella Marie Swan [Twilight/Midnight Sun]

"Come potevo proteggerla da me stesso quando nessuno dei due lo voleva?" - Edward Anthony Masen Cullen [Midnight Sun]

"Una volta sapevo quello che stavo facendo. Ero sempre sicuro delle mie decisioni, e adesso ogni cosa era caos e subbuglio. Eppure non avrei scambiato il presente con il passato. Non se il caos significava che potevo stare vicino a Bella." - Edward Anthony Masen Cullen [Midnight Sun]

"Mi resi conto, in quel momento, che volevo rispondere alle sue domande. Non perché glielo dovevo. Non perché volevo che si fidasse di me. Volevo che lei mi conoscesse." - Edward Anthony Masen Cullen [Midnight Sun]

"I am scared, that's why I ran away. As long as I don't talk to anyone else, nobody will make fun of me. As long as I'm invisible to other people, I won't be laughed at. I replaced words I couldn't say with others, I ran and ran, only to speak as little as I can, but someone was chasing after me. I was chased by my own self. Because it was me all the time, who played me as a fool, who laughed at me, who was ashamed of me." - Shino Ooshima [Shino-chan wa Jibun no Namae ga Ienai]

"It's all hollow, me and this place. It's all hollow." - Onaga [Waltz*]

"La parte più egoista di me stava esultando alla consapevolezza che lei mi voleva come io la volevo." - Edward Anthony Masen Cullen [Midnight Sun]

"Come potevo provare tanta felicità nel fare la cosa sbagliata?" - Edward Anthony Masen Cullen [Midnight Sun]

"Avrei mai smesso di entusiasmarmi per essere io a quello a cui diceva di sì?" - Edward Anthony Masen Cullen [Midnight Sun]

"Non te ne sei accorta? Sto infrangendo tutte le regole." - Edward Anthony Masen Cullen [Midnight Sun]

"Facevo fatica a non darle ciò che mi chiedeva. Ed erano i suoi pensieri che volevo sentire, non i miei." - Edward Anthony Masen Cullen [Midnight Sun]

"Come se qualsiasi altra donna potesse sperare di distogliere la mia attenzione da Bella. Un'altra assurdità." - Edward Anthony Masen Cullen [Midnight Sun]

"Sapevo che non avrei dovuto desiderare che lei ci tenesse a me. Ma lo volevo. Eccome se lo volevo." - Edward Anthony Masen Cullen [Midnight Sun]

"The place where I belong is not here anymore." - Takina Inoue [Lycoris Recoil - EPISODE 3]

"We just need to move on for now. There are things you can gain by losing something. If you didn't do what you did back then, we would never have met." - Chisato Nishikigi [Lycoris Recoil - EPISODE 3]

"You're gonna become sad so you can meet someone else's expectations? That's boring. You have your place." - Chisato Nishikigi [Lycoris Recoil - EPISODE 3]

"Sorry, it was so hard to leave my bed." - Yuya Niyodo [Kami Kuzu☆Idol - EPISODE 3]

"It's true, I want to eat delicious food without paying, but that's only with very kind and rich people. I don't borrow money from friends." - Yuya Niyodo [Kami Kuzu☆Idol - EPISODE 3]

"Lettuce, you're really a nice person. You care about people, but do you know who you should care the most? About yourself! Friendship is more than spending time together. It's about wanting to spend time together, I want to hang out with you, Lettuce! What about you?" - Ichigo Momimiya [Tokyo Mew Mew New ♡ - EPISODE 2]

"Billie: You like that she's using you? Simon: Maybe. I like that when she cares, she goes super hard - you know? And she must really care for you, since you're all she ever talks about." - Billie Wesker & Simon Marcus [Resident Evil - TV series, EPISODE 5]

"Just cause I am not chained up, it doesn't mean I am free." - Billie Wesker [Resident Evil - TV series, EPISODE 6]

"We're all dedicated to collecting everything that we can from our past and preserving it in our collective memory, because that is what arts were in their most ancient beginnings. It was a way to imprint deep, emotional stories on our souls. Stories we didn't want to lose, because even in times like these, we are the stories we tell." - ??? [Resident Evil - TV series, EPISODE 6]

"Maybe life's all a bunch of accidents and tragedies and no one is really okay. We're all just doing our best." - Bert [Resident Evil - TV series, EPISODE 8]

"Just because you've made a decision it doesn't mean you're stuck with it forever." - ??? [Shoot! Goal to the Future, EPISODE 3]

"I don't feel good in taking someone's time from them. That's all." - Chisato Nishikigi [Lycoris Recoil - EPISODE 4]

"What's this apology for? No matter how many times you've apologised. You haven't once made a compromise. You're aways like this, no matter what's right and what's wrong, you're always laughing like a fool. And you never lend an hear to any of my opinions or feelings, not once! You pretend to lose but you never back down. You pretend to fawn on me, but you never show me what's deep in your heart. You never fully trust me or any human but you always trust her, that demon." - Ayano Yuugiri [Engage Kiss - Episode 4]

"Which is bigger, your pride or your regrets?" - Atsushi Kamiya [Shoot! Goal to the Future - Episode 4]

"Because we met, I don't want to let it be alone anymore." - Yaeka Sakuragi [Kumichou Musume to Sewagakari - EPISODE 3]

"I want to be by his side, even if that disappoints him, even if that's not my role. I want to be by his side." - Karasuba [Prima Doll - EPISODE 4]

"I don't want to replace it. I want it to be repaired. After all, this is the body you gave to me, Master. You worked so hard and you chose them for me, this body is something I am really proud of. So even if it breaks, I want it to stay as I am." - Karasuba [Prima Doll - EPISODE 4]

"You already knew you didn't have a role anymore, that's why you've been wanting someone to destroy you all this time." - Haizakura [Prima Doll - EPISODE 5]

"I want to surpass myself. To do that, I'll overcome any challenge and grow even stronger." - Zakuro Fujiwara [Tokyo Mew Mew New ♡ , EPISODE 4]

"I don't want to take someone else's life. I want to do work that helps people." - Chisato Nishikigi [Lycoris Recoil - EPISODE 5]

"You don't trust people because they deserve it. You trust them because there is nothing else to lean on." - Seong Gi-hun [Squid Game - EPISODE 4]

"People will look down on you if you aren't wearing your jacket." - Oh Il-nam [Squid Game - EPISODE 6]

"I don't have anything. You have a reason to leave, I don't." - Ji-yeong [Squid Game - EPISODE 6]

"Do you still trust people, after everything you've been through?" - Oh Il-nam [Squid Game - EPISODE 9]

'Come sarebbe stato sentirsi come lui? Essere così pragmatici, così liberi dai rimpianti? Essere in grado di accettare così facilmente le cose e andare avanti?' - Edward Anthony Masen Cullen [Midnight Sun]

'Lei era riuscita a cambiarmi più di quanto avrei mai creduto possibile, pur rimanendo me stesso.' - Edward Anthony Masen Cullen [Midnight Sun]

"Taking lesson after lesson and exerting yourself to the utmost, but you still can't archive anything. And you don't feel loved by anyone. It is really frustrating and exhausting, isn't it?" - Aira Shiratori [The Ensemble Stars]

"I've made my decision. I am going to become even stronger. I am going to protect Mickey, my friends and everyone I care about!" - Mint Aizawa [Tokyo Mew Mew New ♡ - EPISODE 5]

"So you don't need to change at all. Just keep being yourself. I am going to get stronger too. I am going to surpass myself, onee-sama will walk her path and I'll walk mine. So please, do just one thing for me. Sing. I'll fight, so I just want you to sing." - Mint Aizawa [Tokyo Mew Mew New ♡ - EPISODE 6]

"I want to become stronger, I want to surpass myself. To do that, I'll overcome any challenge. " - Mint Aizawa [Tokyo Mew Mew New ♡ - EPISODE 6]

"Why am I only talented at being ordinary?" - Kyouka Tamaki [Shine! Post - EPISODE 4]

“We're all dying. That's what defines the condition of living." - Winston S. Churchill [The Crown - EPISODE 1]

"When something is really important to you don't you want to hide it and keep it safe?" - Pyrrha Nikos [RWBY: Hyousetsu Teikoku - EPISODE 6]

"You can't become an adult if you cling to your childhood emotions, like wanting to eat sweets or play all day. If you don't take responsability or control of those feelings, life gets out of control. - Jaune Arc [RWBY: Hyousetsu Teikoku - EPISODE 8]

"Everyone holds both light and darkness inside themselves, but neither one represents the complete person. The heart is much more complex than that." - Shion Zaiden [RWBY: Hyousetsu Teikoku - EPISODE 12]

"Even though I'm inexperienced, powerless and can't do anything right now, someday I will help make the world a better place." - Weiss Schnee [RWBY: Hyousetsu Teikoku - EPISODE 12]

"Even if I forget everything, this feeling of being together it's something I have no intention of losing. The joy, the sadness, the delight. Those are all my precious treasures and so I am sure, those alone will remain." - Haizakura [Prima Doll - EPISODE 12]

"The more knowledge you amass, the more apparent it becomes that there are still so many things to learn." - Pauilina [Warau Arsnotoria Sun! - EPISODE 5]

"If there are winners, there must be losers. Making my dream come true means ending someone else's." - Yoichi Isagi [Blue Lock - EPISODE 1]

"I'd rather die than get back together with you." - Aileen Lauren Dautriche [Akuyaku Reijou nanode Last Boss wo Kattemimashita - EPISODE 3]

"People can start over however many times they want, as long as they're motivated." - Tenchou [Akiba Maid Sensou - EPISODE 1]

"I want to become strong so I can defeat all the weakness inside of me." - Ganta Igarashi[Deadman wonderland - VOLUME 5]

"If you can't see the important things, it's only because you lack the courage to open your eyes!" - Ganta Igarashi[Deadman wonderland - VOLUME 5]

"Silence is death, peace is death, complacency is death, answers are death. Locks are death, enlightmeent is death, death is beauty. Death itself is salvation." - Azuma Genkaku [Deadman wonderland - VOLUME 5]

"Today is different from yesterday. Little by little, everything can change." - Ganta Igarashi[Deadman wonderland - VOLUME 6]

'Self-doubt only leads to failure' - Tenchou [Akiba Maid Sensou - EPISODE 2]

"If I had decided that I have nothing left to live for, who the hell are you to tell me otherwise?" - Andrea [The walking dead - EPISODE 1, SEASON 2]

"No matter who you are and when you start, you can start something new and shine." - Kentarou Sanada [Eternal boys - EPISODE 4]

'I don't know if I want to live, if I have to or if it's just an habit.' - Andrea [The walking dead - EPISODE 3, SEASON 2]

"I can't stop you, but you can't stop me from helping you" - Michonne [The walking dead, EPISODE 12 - SEASON 3]

jun 28 2022 ∞
dec 20 2023 +