list icon
  • ambivalent - having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone
  • renegade - a person who deserts a party or cause for another
  • asinine - foolish, unintelligent, stupid
  • connoisseur - a person who is especially competent to pass critical judgements in an art
  • per se - by, of, for, in itself
  • mutiny - revolt or rebellion
  • enigma - puzzling or inexplicable occurence/situation
  • bourgeois - member of the middle class; political, economic and social opinions determined by concern for property values and respectability
  • tousled - disheveled, unkempt
  • stark - sheer, utter, complete
  • plausible - having an appearance of truth or reason, seemingly worthy of acceptance
  • belligerent - warlike, aggressively hostile, given to waging war
  • benevolent - characterized by expressing goodwill or kindly feelings
  • fraught - to be filled with
  • existential - pertaining/relating to one's existence
  • morality - conformity to the rules of right conduct, moral quality
  • pittance - a small amount, small share
  • Godspeed - good fortune, success
  • forsake - to abandon, leave entirely
  • penny dreadful - 1900s magazines printed on pulp with rough edges, featuring comics usually; only costed a penny
  • pulp fiction - fictional stories printed in pulp magazines, which where around from about 1886 to the 1950s, it was the successor of penny dreadfuls
  • mellifluous - sweetly or smoothly flowing, sweet-sounding
feb 4 2013 ∞
aug 12 2015 +