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  • locate people (like my family)
  • find a backpack for each person of your team
  • gather water bottles, tin foods, swiss army knife, small pot
  • medicines - anti-inflammatories, painkillers, anti-biotics (from hospitals if necessary)
  • weapons - golf club, bat, machete, spade
  • wear: combat boots, thick socks, tshirt and strap magazines to arms
  • get walkie talkies, lighters, flashlights and batteries
  • get a hammer and nails, wood planks and blankets
  • get binoculars and guns if possible for secondary weapon
  • cut hair short (to avoid being grapped/caught)
  • determine what kind of zombies they are, what attracts them (eg. hear? see? run? smell you?)
jan 7 2014 ∞
sep 13 2015 +