• anyone is welcome to follow, but if you start bein creepy I reserve the right to block
  • that said, if I ever make you uncomfy or you want to unfollow, no hard feelings! do what you gotta do to be happy!
    • if we're mutuals, soft-block or send me a dm and I'll happily unfollow and make sure I don't re-follow ^^
    • if it was something I said/did, I'd like if you could let me know so I can change it and not do it again in the future!
  • I don't tweet like crazy/spam tweets - it's predominantly going to be me talking about whatever and more often retweeting friends/things I love
    • it's a mix of all my idol fandoms, so if you're gonna follow for one thing be prepared for like 75% other stuff you didn't sign up for
    • also memes, hand-grown by me or imported from elsewhere
    • I often have all caps explosions as I scream about idols
    • sometimes I get really sappy and ramble about how much I love my friends/my family (esp. my older brother HE'S ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS OKAY) but normally that's few and far between
  • I don't vent/complain on twitter - most of my stuff will be happy cause I'm a happy person in general! ^^
  • I'll never post/retweet nsfw cause it makes me uncomfortable
  • I love making new friends! I probably won't start conversations with you directly cause I hate to impose. Feel free to message me though!!
    • However, I might reply to your personal tweets a lot - if that makes you feel weird just let me know.

NOTE: I'll might go through periods of inactivity due to school and exams! I'll make update tweets every now and then and let you know if I'm going to be gone for a bit.

feb 19 2017 ∞
jul 6 2017 +