- ''this is not meth''
- a cena do jesse fazendo a caixa de madeira no ensino médio e depois o frame mudando pra ele escravo de metanfetamina
- jesse chorando no colo do walt depois que a jane morre
- ''willy wonka? walt whitman? walter white?''
- todd matando a criancinha
- ''just cause you shot jesse james, don't makes you jesse james''
- ''I liked it I was good at it I felt alive''
- o walt rindo caido no chão em crawl space
- jesse jantando com o walt e com a skyler
- ''walter never told me how lucky he was. clearly his taste in women is the same as his taste in lawyers: only the very best... with just a right amount of dirty!''
- ''if you're committed enough, you can make any story work. I once told a woman I was kevin costner, and it worked because I believed''
feb 10 2017 ∞
apr 8 2024 +