• thank god we have a democrat in the office. everything's all unicorns now, everything's all unicorns. he's shooting rainbows and i dont know about you but im thrilled to fucking shits.
  • let's get this podcast done so i can go outside and ride my unicorn.
  • please god, could you please sew a little booby quilt for my unicorn? he gets cold out at the barn at night.
  • no, my dream pet was a unicorn with wings.
  • if we start a baseball team, could our mascot be a unicorn with a bucket of chicken at its horn?
  • i had one more comment about the google thing. if you google 'jesus fucked my unicorn in the neck hole', me and you come up. it's like the whole google page is us.
aug 7 2009 ∞
sep 3 2009 +