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Based off of the content of "The Secret Rites of Social Butterflies," by Lizabeth Zindel

  • Never wear everything perfectly. It will look like you tried too hard. For instance, don't tuck something in all the way. Keep one sleeve pushed up higher than the other.
  • Your hair should ALWAYS look perfect when you leave the house.
  • Own two kick-ass accessories. That's all you need. Then you can just throw on jeans and your two kick-ass accessories and everyone will assume you're rich but just don't want to flaunt it. (e.g. Prada sunglasses and a nice Tiffany bracelet)
  • Walk with your head slightly tilted up, shoulders back, confident walk. Look straight ahead. Give the impression that you have somewhere to be right now, and nobody better get in your way. Don't make eye contact unless it's intentional and beneficial to you and/or your image.
  • To be stylish, it's important to watch a ton of movies. (See "A Girl's List of Must-See Movies") Once you finish the list of Must-Sees, try to see as many more as possible. You can never see enough films in one lifetime.
  • Be informed about the art scene. Know the older ones (Monet, Matisse, Picasso) as well as newer ones (Dash Snow, Jeff Koons, Dana Schotz, Cecily Brown, Elizabeth Peyton, Gedi Sibony, Vito Acconci).
  • Make sure to have at least one of each item on the "Wardrobe Essentials" list.
  • Cool foods to eat: edamame, Diet Coke, sushi, steak, and anything gummy candy. Go for high and low end (extremes rock): either The Palm [or really nice local cafes] or McDonalds; never, like, Red Lobster.
  • Check these sites daily: for short films, for a little raunch, for current events, and Page Six of the [or other similar ones more central to your location] for the perfect dash of celeb sightings.
  • When in doubt with music, ask your music guru friend, anything played on 103.1's Jonesy's Jukebox, and NPR's show Morning Becomes Electric.
jun 26 2010 ∞
jul 1 2010 +