• you’re like a flower made of iron; you are the strongest and most beautiful person i have ever met.

for a star to be born, there is one thing that must happen: a gaseous nebula must collapse. so collapse. crumble. this is not your destruction. this is your birth.

  • i’ve lost myself in the paradox of natural disasters that make up your personality; but i have never been happier to be lost.

women’s friendship outlast jobs, parents, husbands, boyfriends, lovers, and sometimes children.

  • i am a phoenix, watch me fall, watch me burn, watch me rise.

she wears strength and darkness equally well. the girl has always been half goddess, half hell.

  • boys are like pillars. something to lean on. but they don't make you move. you have to do that yourself.

call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.

  • what can i do with my happiness? how can i keep it, conceal it, bury it where i may never lose it?

the first time ever i saw your face i thought the sun rose in your eyes, and the moon and the stars were the gifts you gave to the dark and empty skies.

  • you’re in love with him, and he’s in love with you, and it’s like a goddamn tragedy, because you look at him and see the stars, and he looks at you and sees the sun. And you both think the other is just looking at the ground.

sometimes, i think of the sun and the moon as lovers who rarely meet, always chase, and almost always miss one another. but once in a while, they do catch up, and they kiss, and the whole world stares in awe of their eclipse.

  • with ignorance comes fear. from fear comes bigotry. education is the key to acceptance.
feb 12 2016 ∞
aug 16 2016 +