You will never get rid of mental-emotional blocks by trying to satisfy selfishness or by nursing negations; but you will get rid of them by taking the energy away from these negations and turning it toward constructive things that need building. In daily living, the simplest way to practice this is when you start to worry simply begin to do something constructive instead. Keep the energy away from the negative center, but do not do it through hypnotics or drugs that kill the power to think and the will. Do it by knowing that you have the power to change and that if you want to use it you can. If you use this power correctly, it will break up the neurotic tendencies in you. It is almost impossible for a neurosis to withstand a constructive attitude. One of them has to give up; and if you are dedicated to constructive purposes, it is the negative thing that will give up. So we must find out where our mental and emotional blocks are; and then instead of trying to break through them, fight our way through them, hate our way through them, or go somewhere and try to have someone else blast through them for us, let us follow the quiet, mystical attitude of relaxing ompletely and ''floating'' through them. They all depend upon our pressure; and if we relax enough, they are simply not there. We are fighting shadows. So instead of always preparing for some emergency, let us quietly walk right up to the wall without worrying about how thick it is or how heavy it is. If the wall is really there, it will stop us; but if, as in most instances, it is a mental block only, we will walk right through it because it will not be there. It depends entirely upon our attitude. In our effort to be factual therefore, we will find the real walls, but we will destroy the imaginary ones. When we do find the real walls, we will also find that they are there for a purpose; and when we find the imaginary ones to be unreal, we will realize that they are fabrications of our own negative thinking. It is the little walls that people build around themselves in the effort to be exclusive, or superior, or to suffer more than someone else - these little walls must go unless we are willing to rot behind them.