- In the silence of your precious heart center, the awakening human intelligence waits only for your attentive self-recognition. Through the portal of fear and resistance lies the real death ~ the surrender of the separate ego-contraction and the merging into the universal field. The moment we surrender our separate identity, our separate idea of who we are and our concept of what needs to happen, the universal field can act spontaneously and effortlessly through us. This time in eternity is one of those moments, to stop in our tracks and be still.
- '' L'art véritable ordonne le chaos, il en fait un Cosmos. ''
''La joie est en nous, là maintenant tel un présent disponible, telle une évidence cachée. Seule l'illusion du moi et ses rêves nous en séparent. Lorsque ce voile s'efface, notre nature véritable se révèle :Espace infini de liberté, de paix et de joie ;Plénitude. Cet espace ne nous a jamais quitté car il est ce que nous sommes. ''
- ''There is one major Reality and that reality is the fact of Being and Essential Divinity, the initiator of all that is, and the source of that Life Force which holds all things in form within the manifested world. In that stage of pure Being the Monad, the sustaining force, eternally rests, while its energy flows downward through the planes of expression to sustain the worlds of form. The human being is on the threshold of establishing this fact in consciousness. Theorizing about this Reality is gradually giving place to certainty. The force of this life-sustaining energy, of this innate divinity, embodied in some measure, large or small, by each member of the human family (as well as by groups) can now act as a mediating transformer. ''
- ''The aspects and attributes of this divinity have been listed as follows:
- God is mind. God is intelligent functioning. God is creative activity. These are the qualities of the deva [form nature] evolution. God is love. God is relationship. God is consciousness. These are the three qualities of the Christ
evolution ... God is life. God is fire. God is pure being. These are the qualities of the Spirit aspect, the omnipotent aspect of Deity.
- The Rays and the Initiations, p. 180
- Humanity is the planetary group which expresses all the divine aspects, in various degrees, in time and space. The realization that the human unit is not only the vehicle or personality, but that both body and personality are vehicles for the expression of a willing Life, of an inclusive Love, and of creative, lighted energy, enables consciousness to cross the barriers that divide and separate in order to reveal the Essential Divinity that synthesizes every aspect, visible and invisible, known and unknown, latent or in full expression.
- Every great religion has taught in one way or another that humanity is the child, the fragment, the expression of God, or of some unknown Power and has put forward different commandments, rules and techniques, to bring about greater recognition of this fact and truer expression of it. And, in fact, human conflict all down through the ages has been, fundamentally, the pull between an egocentric, separative attitude and a partnership in the great whole.
- Meditation Group for the New Age, First Year, Set VI, p. 15
- One purpose for the existence of humanity in time and space in the form world is this: the human family is a mediating and transmitting agent for the higher energies to the three lower kingdoms. Humanity, as a group, stands midway between the three higher expressions of essential divinity and the three lower kingdoms ~ the animal, plant, and mineral. ''
In the stillness, individual awareness can be experienced as nothing other than a complete holographic microcosm of the whole universe. This revelation, the surrender of the individuated self to the wholeness inherent within each being, is the treasure that awaits each of us. None other will ultimately serve us but to become the reality that we truly are.
- Un certain ''Aaron'' de Souledout.org