• first of all, cha hakyeon graduated from howon university. this single fact should be enough to deem the charah couple as #fate.
    • not convinced yet? he graduated as valedictorian of his class. sarah, who LOVES competition, would SO delcare hakyeon as her eternal rival. LBR.
  • he's a cancer. she's a capricorn. he's cheer captain. and she's on the bleachers.
    • if you didn't know... cancers + capricorns = written in the stars. 100% compatibility. one cannot change this FATE.
    • *looks up to the sky dramatically* THE STARS, THEY ARE INDEED ALIGNED, MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS.
  • he's a christian. this is sooo important. because she's christian, too.
    • au (soon to be real life) in which sarah isn't head teacher for a class, but instead, an assistant teacher for hakyeon. their little kids of students would ask things like "are you guys dating?" "do you guys like each other?" "ms. sarah, why are you so red?" and hakyeon would laugh with senpai sparkles around him and sarah would accidentally break her pencil or drop her dry erase board marker at the same time.
    • the reason why ms. sarah was so red was because mr. hakyeon thought it was cute to play the staring contest while the other students were taking turns reading the book.
    • they would so be youth leaders together and team up when doing mission outreaches for little kids.
  • hakyeon has an immense passion for dancing. sarah's had a thing for dancers since 10ever. she also loves to dance, as well, but she appears to be INSECURE ABOUT IT BECAUSE SHE SAYS SHE CAN'T DANCE. but hakyeon would think otherwise.
    • you see, hakyeon would be the one to encourage her to do what she loves and would make sure she understands that no one else can ruin her dream. if she were to run away from something, he'd take her by the wrist and stop her, and encourage her to keep trying.
    • they would stay after dance practice sessions when everyone's gone and then fall asleep underneath the balance bars, sitting against the walls.
  • the height difference. he's on average 180cm and she's on average 162cm.
    • he's tall enough for her to wear heels when they stay classy at formal events. such as wedding renewals of family members. (he'd squeeze her hand under the table when the husband makes his speech about the wife)
    • he's tall enough for her to comfortably rest her head on his shoulder (when they fall asleep after dance practice sessions)
    • he's tall enough to rest his chin on her head when they hug.
      • the height requirement for one that's 180cm to have someone bury their face into their chest is 162-165cm. sarah's in the bag.
  • he's roughly (more like smoothly) 5 years older than her, so it's a perfect age difference for him to have already experienced the same things she's experienced or are going to experience so he can give the most wise advice for her benefit... because he wants her to be happy... (help...)
  • sarah is baffled because she looks at hakyeon and thinks "why are you so... ideal." then she asks herself, 'what is this feeling in my chest?' that's love, my sweet. that is love. *bites fist*
  • his personality would fit so well with sarah's. the extrovert bringing out the true colors of the introvert.
  • help, because hakyeon would probably go to sarah's house and playfully ignore sarah as he plays with her cat and sarah would be lowkey unamused but also *heart eyes*
  • hakyeon can sing so you already KNOW he'd sing to her when she's feeling down. "wait, why are you crying?" he'd ask on the phone. "i wanted to sing you to sleep, not sing you to drench your pillow with your tears."
    • help bc not only goodnight calls, but also good morning calls. the proof is here. the song choice, "we match well", just fits... SO. WELL.
  • omg, but like, crying because hakyeon is so good with kids and that is a huge priority for sarah in search for a man.
    • (please refer to 'christian' bullet.)
  • sarah always goes on & on (lmfao) about how hakyeon is too pretty as a girl and gets pissed off at how he's apparently pretty than her in girl form. (refer to the competitiveness point in the first bullet). hakyeon thinks otherwise, but would never tell her because she'd be too stubborn to believe it. instead, he'd show it through his actions. (help)
  • continuing on in competitiveness: hakyeon is like good at everything, which triggers sarah's competitve side. she sees him as a senpai, although she would never admit it outside of her tags on tumblr. but she admires his talent in everything, and its like he encourages her to do better and to strive harder even without him telling her.
    • (you know how couples go all cute like "no i love yooooou more ~~~ hehe" yeah, well. charah would do the same thing, too. except it'd be a bajillion times more competitive. maybe some money involved on hakyeon's part. blimps, billboards, sky-writing. the two would go through extensive (and maybe sometimes violent) measures to prove that they love the other more than they could ever love them because they (especially sarah) does Not like to lose.)
  • they both have the best stank faces. disagree and we can't be friends.
  • and she's already given her heart to him, so there's no turning back.
aug 15 2016 ∞
aug 15 2016 +