- 01 | sunny's party
- 02 | "real quick" crew reunion
- 03 | 김동혁's birthday ♡
- 05 | trung and hannah's birthday ✩, coco's crepe reunion
- 06 | sushi and macaron lunch
- 07 | permit
- 08 | shopping w/ kaley, iceskating and sushi
- 09 | upgrade wells fargo acc
- 10 | lunch w/ kristine and kaley
- 11 | soulsista's ✩ & 이승훈's birthday ♡, dinner
- 12 | add / drop (2pm), eye appointment
- 13 | vet appointment
- 15 | 김민준's birthday ♡, drive back to austin
- 20 | first day of class
- 21 | 강승윤's birthday ♡
- 25 | dad's birthday ♚
- 03 | ch302: quiz one, scoring careers performance
- 05 | sophie's coming to austin
- 06 | gb's winter wonderland
- 13 | china care dress rehearsals
- 21 | china care benefit night
- 23 | bio311d: exam one
- 24 | soc302: exam one
- 26 | ch302: exam one
- 27 | kdc workshop, vsa dinner
- 28 | vsa convention, after party
- 01 | rudy's bbq
- 06 | jade ribbon pageant
- 07 | gia's birthday ♡, culture showcase dress rehearsal
- 08 | vsa culture showcase
- 11 | ast301: exam two
- 12 | ch302: quiz three
- 20 | kaley's birthday ♡
- 26 | ch302: quiz four
- 30 | bio311d: exam two, #COLOR ♡
- 01 | pho-yaking with vsa
- 07 | soc302: exam four, ch302: exam three
- 08 | ast301: exam four
- 01 | first day of class
- 02 | crawfish with hhid, dying anna's hair
- 09 | ✯exam one✯
- 11 | tiger den with hhid
- 17 | ✯exam two✯
- 22 | ✯financial aid approval✯
- 25 | ✯exam three✯, austin day one
- 26 | austin day two (tabling)
- 27 | austin day three (choreo + dinner with em)
- 28 | austin day four
- 07 | exam three
- 16 | my birthday
- 17 | wonwoo's birthday
- 26 | ling's birthday
- 31 | amy's birthday
dec 24 2015 ∞
dec 24 2015 +