• i am currently a university freshman; time to time i won't tweet as much and will be busy so i'm sorry if i can't talk to you/reply to you as soon as i (usually) would!
  • i will declare my major during my sophomore year (i need to have a certain amount of credits)
    • i would like to major in elementary education with a concentration in language arts; i'd like to be an english teacher abroad!
  • if i tweet/talk in a different language, i try my best to use what i know so if there are any errors i apologize!
    • also im not trying to show off im sorry if it can come off that way sometimes!!
  • i know this is weird, but id like to name at least one of my children after a steven universe character!
    • especially: rose quartz, garnet, amethyst, pearl, connie, stevonnie, jasper, + peridot!
jan 27 2017 ∞
may 9 2017 +