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i got this idea from the 'aesthetic thoughts' blog. this is a list of my answers to just 20 questions.

  • when you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? an engineer
  • what have you done in the past week to help someone else? emptied the dishwasher
  • who is the best-dressed person you know? emma
  • what is on your nightstand? an alarm clock
  • if you were a cat, what kind of a cat would you be? a terribly naughty calico
  • if you lived in a house surrounded by acres of trees, what particular type of tree would you want flourishing on your land? apple
  • what do you find to be very overrated? frozen custard
  • how many email addresses do you have? three
  • have you ever felt replaced? yes
  • would you rather watch football or baseball? baseball
  • what is the wallpaper on your phone? dodger my love
  • name a lyric from the song you’re listening to. everywhere you look (full house theme song)
  • do you use a feed reader? yes, google
  • what chocolate do you always leave in the box? fruity goo-filled chocolate
  • what would you do if you found out your ex is engaged? smile
  • do words hurt you? all the time
  • are you a talker or a listener? talker
  • have you ever walked on the beach at night? yes, in aruba with my honey bradley
  • who is your favorite professional athlete? no idea now, but it was always billy hall
  • which tv show have you seen pretty much every episode of? grey's anatomy, private practice, and roseanne

thank you aesthetic thoughts[]

oct 22 2009 ∞
oct 29 2009 +