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we have anything and everything you could think of for a little girl because of the generosity of our family and friends. this is a list of little random things i find particularly useful as a new mom.

  • receiving blankets (excellent for swaddling a bean that doesn't like to be confined)
  • little noses saline drops (to help a congested bean when the air is dry)
  • nose frida (the only way to really get the boogies)
  • burp cloths (i have mostly cloth diapers)
  • soft little washcloths (for cleaning those little sausage limbs and chubby cheeks)
  • munchkin safety baby bath cradle (put right in the big tub for a nonslip and comfy baby)
  • robeez socks (they stay on busy little newborn feet)
  • amy coe diapers & wipes case (takes care of baby's buns on the go)
  • lanolin (little tubes around the house are handy for sore boobs)
  • extra pillows (everywhere and anywhere that we nurse)
  • halo sleepsack swaddle (easy to swaddle sleeping baby without disturbing her)
dec 11 2010 ∞
may 27 2011 +