i promised sarah that if she ever became pregnant i would be the friend that reminded her of all the things she loved and who she was before she got knocked up. whether she is happy, scared, mad, or sad - this is a list of things i can do.
- pre-bug
- feed her (preferably chocolate and cheese unless for some god awful reason they make her sick... then eat them in front of her)
- don't tell joe she calls the baby a parasite
- start our 2-person dog book club
- go to wineries, taste wines, and buy a bottle to share after she pops the kid out
- throw her baby showers
- crochet bug stuff
- nickname her "bug warmer"
- post-bug
- don't let her get sucked into baby and motherdom
- babysit
- get her on a plan for grad school
- cook for her, joe, and the bug
- clean/organize her house
- always
- walk the dogs with her
- make fun of her
- tell her about dogs
- buy her stuff