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nine times out of ten i would rather watch a movie that makes me laugh over one that makes me think. this list includes my favorites and reasons why.

  • the break up - "baby wanted twelve"
  • elf - "smiling's my favorite"
  • so i married an axe murderer - "campbell's cup-o-cino"
  • old school - "earmuffs"
  • wedding crashers - "you shut your mouth when you're talking to me"
  • office space - "that would be great"
  • tommy boy - "housekeeping"
  • french kiss - "lactose intolerance"
  • 50 first dates - "hi, i'm tom"
  • swingers- "you're so money and you don't even know it"
  • meet the parents - "can you deal with that"
  • dodgeball - "nobody makes me bleed my own blood"
  • nanny mcphee - "what you need is nanny mcphee"
  • the princess bride - "as you wish"
feb 15 2009 ∞
apr 3 2009 +