i just went through my archived to do lists to see what i have been neglecting. after a busy 4-day weekend of productive list checking, here is a list of what is left!
- car
- radio doctor
- oil change
- new car!
- stuff
- dry clean dresses
- bring rings to jeweler
- fix desktop computer
- get info off of old computer
- organize camping stuff
- "build" cabinet
- fix brad's laptop cord
- pay home depot bill
- wachovia paperwork (bradley sign)
- wfhs newsletter
- pay taxes
- renew brad's plates
- shower rsvp
- reunion rsvp
- schedule hair appointment
- pay aimee for sushi ($18)
- font capture
- school
- visa application
- complete fafsa
- marketing reading (due 08sep)
- finance homework/reading (due 09sep)
- gifts
- bug shower invites
- sandy birthday (due 30oct)
- bug shower (due 07nov)
- bug shower (due 03oct)
- mom birthday (due 12oct)