Sai has lovely eyes.

A pair that’s so expressive, believable, and innocent but at the same time with the contrast of fierceness, many would be enthralled just by second’s worth of eye contact. She possesses pair so manipulative, one with a miniscule amount of tolerance would be easily lured in. But allowing more than a second is burdening. The excitement one would have felt moments ago when their eyes met would be overcome by such inconvenience that, although curious, none would dare to ask.

‘What’s with her eyes?’ hushed words would be asked in one’s thoughts.

Neither was it loneliness nor sadness, just different. If suggestiveness were to be the visual comparison, it would be comparable to what Da Vinci endowed Mona Lisa with, almost the same “I know something you don’t know” feel and expressiveness, but still very different.

Nonetheless, there was no doubt that her eyes are attractive.

Another pair of eyes with the same exact gaze exists, following her around like a shadow just as she is his shadow. Perfectly indistinguishable to most people if they are left to guess who’s who with only the eyes exposed. It would’ve been a game that’s unbeatable if only they couldn’t be any different physique wise, heck, gender wise; he’s taller and she’s petite, he’s bulkier when she’s effeminate— a twin brother, in simpler words.

Sai would call him her other half but uncalled for misunderstandings are surely to arise if she did. There was no question about the sisterly love she has for him with that fact only to be strengthened by the vow she made to never leave his side until he deemed her useless or a weigh down to his existence (which she silently hopes to never pass his mind). But until then, she would shadow his every step with the aim to protect him from whatever harm that may come his way.

“They have the same exact eyes.” Unknowing people would say. Both of them did not allow a way to tell that they, in fact, have eyes so different, even what they see through his stoic gaze and her expressive ones are different.

He would see a bench, whereas she would see a person sitting on the same bench.

This difference would explain Sai's unusual gaze. Everything about her contradicts how she sees the world. No one would have ever thought that such a positive, all-smiles and ice cream maniac girl would possess the ability to see unearthly beings—simply put, ghosts. And unlike her brother who only seems to feel their presence—with the exception of a 10 year old girl who managed to manifest herself to him and now follows him around wherever he goes (kind of like Sai, in a way)—her ability isn’t constrained to just that. A brief bedtime story by their mother educated them on how they’ve acquired such abilities. They’re born into a famous lineage of powerful witches, but as brief as how their mother started the story, she ended it just so. Leaving a couple of unanswered questions within the twin’s awareness, but did soon fade as they embraced normality while growing up—or at least tried to embrace. They both knew normal is far from what they are and escaping it is futile, leading Sai to acquire a personality that of a girlish girl with a kick of air-headedness every once in a while.

She tried to be normal.

For the sake of the acceptance of society, but mostly for her brother who seemed to have embraced their unlikely acquired gifts from birth more than her despite having abilities restricted to seeing a sole ghost.

And as she finds herself in a journey to be the normal-est of the normal there is, she grew a liking to the sweet cold treat everyone seem to enjoy. Ice cream. Saying she is obsessed with ice cream would probably be the understatement of the century. Proving that point would be how she nagged her brother to exchange their newly acquired car, provided generously by their loving—not to mention rich—parents, for an ice cream truck, which they now man on their own. Rounding the whole city with the sole purpose of quenching the people’s cravings for the cold delicacy while having her own obsession tended to as well. Jay wasn’t too happy about it but easily accepted his fate with a lot of help from the love he has for her twin.

But still, despite having acted as normal as how other people would, one can’t deny that her gaze is different.

jun 24 2017 ∞
jul 24 2017 +