- What if you were the only one of your kind that just
- Couldn't breathe
- But everyone around you is huffing that sweet outside oxygen like a champ
- This sucks but it's just this concept of not being able to do something that everyone else can that I feel is brushed off by most people
- Whether they never have these problems and live ignorantly, or they themselves have this problem but delude themselves constantly
- Here's a better hypothetical
- What if you had teeth grafted to your eye?
- It would feel terrible
- Your eye would be heavy with the weight, your vision would be partially blocked
- And blinking, oh fuck blinking
- Trying to worm your eyelids around the teeth, being able to hear the squelching of tissue and clinking of bone
- All this for a single blink, and people blink how often a day??
- You would probably feel worse than you did before you had to blink
- But it's just that, this concept of something that's so simple yet so hard for one person
- It's all around us, and it can range from an inconvenience to utter devastation of that person's life
- But that's life
- Sometimes people receive mutations that they just can't bare
- That's just life

dec 4 2023 ∞
dec 4 2023 +