- I tried everything
- I tried the usual, you know, therapy (counsellors, psychologists,) talking to friends, doing what I normally enjoy, but nothing
- I promised them I would improve, I promise everyone everyday that I will make efforts to "be better"
- But genuinely what options do I have?
- What can I possibly do?
- I'm not ok with anything like medication or one of those stupid fucking "duurrr take breaks from everything be bored just exercise"
- If you're like that you can go fuck yourself I'm not even kidding I want you dead
- I don't want to go down any of those roads
- I accept that I've burnt out my dopamine by being a shitty brat my whole childhood
- Just always stimulating myself with technology socializing and masturbation
- It's just hopeless for me, I've essentially lived out all my happiness
- I'm so ready to die but there's no way I could ever make that happen
- I can't get euthanized in my country unless I'm an old vegetable that's constantly in pain
- Australia can fuck off
- Now I'm considering disemboweling myself out of spite
- Fuck this country, fuck the way life is, and fuck all religion for making people think this is normal and "part of a plan"
- Here's a shitty edgy sketch for the post since every post has one

dec 6 2023 ∞
dec 6 2023 +