• "the universe just creates stories. it creates stories with all our existences and gives everyone of us a lead role that we're sharing with someone elseā€¦ we're just stories and the universe watches a hundred thousand times how we meet, how we fall in love, what we make of it. the perfect love story with a happy ending time and time again" - midnight blue
  • "know that i have cared for you deeply. i am proud of the person you are today and thankful for the opportunity to help make you so." - kosinski
  • "every place you've ever imagined, it's real. there is a fictional city in your mind and you know every corner of it. your mind is a world. each of us is a place" - porter robinson
  • "because i am not your friend, we are not friends, i am in love with you, i am in love with you, i am totally and completely in love with you." - jeosheo
  • "he went on a date with a guy once who tried to get him to roleplay as a cowboy the whole night." - bryn
jul 17 2017 ∞
oct 13 2017 +