• i might rt some nsfw art/photos sometimes (probably only nudity and artistic gore, nothing too graphic ofc)
  • i have some ships that could be considered problematic, but you won't see me talking about them. much.
  • if we're mutuals, please, PLEASE, tag: animal abuse, graphic images/videos (irl gore, irl violence etc)
  • my views on age difference is: i find 6+ years age gap iffy but any age gap between consenting adults means nothing to me. if you come at me saying such and such ship is problematic cuz one is 18 and the other 16. no need to follow.
  • im bad at discussing politics, but here are movements i believe on:

#BlackLivesMatter #BlackTransLivesMatter #IStandWithHongKong #LegalizeSexWork #FreePalestine #StopAsianHate #FreePalestine #PayYourWriters

jan 17 2018 ∞
dec 16 2023 +