• "(...) i was always very sensitive, i could tell if someone was emotionally hurting and i think that just always put me in a weird mood"
  • "faço o que posso, mas é triste demais ver o que poderíamos ser, o que éramos, e o que nos tornamos em tão pouco tempo"
  • "era um tipo de dor que eu não estava acostumada a sentir"
  • "o que é crescer se não nos preocupar em não cometer os mesmos erros dos nossos pais"
  • "they say love has to grow / i keep letting my plants die for some reason"
  • "mas já que se há se escrever, que ao menos não se esmaguem com palavras as entrelinhas"
  • "lovers do the looking while strangers look away"
  • "acho que as melhores poesias não sabem que são poesias"
  • “i need a father, i need a mother, i need some older, wiser being to cry to. i talk to god but the sky is empty”
  • “i think that my heart is built to last more than a night”
  • “eu só não consigo mais lembrar quem eu era antes de carregar toda essa mágoa”
  • “ your lips smiling too close to mine/i almost kiss you every single time”
  • “podemos ocupar os espaços que quisermos, basta existirmos”
  • "there are things i want to do/there are things i have to do/so why can't i move?/why can't i breathe?"
  • "your mother tells everyone i was your very special friend/she doesn't know, of course, that i would never be friends with someone as annoying as you/i sit on the couch where we used to kiss at fifteen and think of all the things your mother doesn't know/i sit down and think of you"
  • “i used to rebel by destroying myself, but realized that's awfully convenient to the world. for some of us our best revolt is self-preservation”
dec 15 2021 ∞
jan 19 2023 +