• Iberia arilines. Their workers are so important, they need to protect them from contact as long as possible. thus, it is against their policy to allow their employees to speak. No, in stead, the perfectly precise voice recognition is used to make your life miserable and spend three times as long to confirm your flight. In what universe is G=6??? Or N=7??? So, my advice is: make sure they have technical errors the moment you call. Only time they are willing to be efficient.
  • My sister. for reasons too numerous and complicated and personal to explain here.
  • Menstrual cramps. Feels like being stabbed in the womb. From the inside. Fro an entire day (and to some more). ... And pregnancy is said to be worse! don't ever want to get pregnant. Or like, only in a chemically induced coma or something so I won't have to feel it. Must suck.
jul 14 2010 ∞
jul 14 2010 +