• and even though i am breaking, at least i feel something.
  • so, as you fade away alive, i lay dying.
  • and i'd choose you; in a hundred worlds, in a hundred different lifetimes, in any version of reality— i'd find you and i'd choose you.
  • now i no longer know if i am a person who dreamed they are a butterfly, or if i am a butterfly who is dreaming it's a person.
  • are you going to destroy the whole world?
  • do i dare disturb the universe?
  • tell me the story about how the sun loved the moon so much she died every night to let her breathe.
  • maybe i could have saved you... but i don't want to deny the story in which you existed.
  • this is the only world where he lives and writes a story. i can't let a world like this dissappear.
  • how about we become monsters together and turn this world upside down?
  • wait, don't leave yet. let me rearrange the world for you.
  • the girl slips into sleep. her dream is red and raging. she will remember to build something human with it.
  • was it someone you were in love with?
  • if i had to go, i'd like to go out just as beautifully.
  • i’ll keep wishing for a world where you can be happy.
  • prevailing against myself, that's what i've always done.
  • should the day ever come that we are not together, you will continue to shine like gold in my memories.
  • the soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone.
  • to bestow this world to her like flowers on her grave.
jul 22 2023 ∞
jul 22 2023 +