• People who use their hands to gesticulate a lot, usually have a lot to say. however, their points may be lost during the focus on the hands swaying hither and dither.
  • The people who smile the most are usually the most unhappy.
  • Whenever someone scratches their nose, they are indicating that they are either a) dire need to go to the bathroom, and/or b) repressing the urge to contradict you and subtly trying to tell you that they strongly disagree and think you very stupid at the moment.
  • Only people without depth perception are foolish enough to actually fall in love.
  • People who continually contradict themselves are often very self-conscious and desperate for social acceptance.
  • People who write lists have a compulsive urge to control everything in their life. when things do not go according plan, their whole day, if not week, if not month, is ruined.
  • Those who have a very natural laugh, have spent hours in front of the mirror practicing.
feb 8 2010 ∞
feb 8 2010 +