• exclamation point was pronounced "explanation point" i still do this sometimes
  • the tooth fairy was a boy
  • egypt was not a real place
  • trains were only 4 cars long
  • megalodon still existed he is definitely out there i mean come on
  • when they said "jesus is everywhere" i thought they meant in the air. like he made up the actual air.
  • archie andrews was a real life guy
  • i thought i was going to marry mario
  • believed that if i didnt tap my "sleeping rock" (one of those fake moonstones) with a stick before i slept every night while chanting some specific thing (i forget it now obviously) that i would be taken away by trolls in my sleep
  • i could breathe underwater
  • i would be married at 16
sep 6 2020 ∞
sep 8 2020 +