these r all songs that kinda make me think of storylines (based off of vibes more than lyrics)

  • sweet boi -- chevy
    • after being heart broken for 2 years you find yourself pining for a boy in your literature class. you don't know you shouldn't fall for him, it just won't work, but you can't help but stare at him. sometimes you'll chat before class and he's pretty quiet around most people but he seems to talk a little more one on one. he's cute and you wish something would happen, but you'll let this dream stay down. right?
  • lover is a day -- cuco
    • there's nothing really special.. you're just sitting on the couch with your partner on a thursday night. there's nothing happening it's just you and them in the apartment you bought together. the world is big and scary, the pressures of city lights reminding you that the world is moving around you. but you're stuck in your head. your partner is beside you and you can't really see whether they've passed out or not, that's okay though, they need rest. you don't really realize it at first but you find yourself smiling at the lump of pillows and blankets surrounding your partner. the world seems quiet in this moment, and deafeningly so. your head feels so empty, all you know is that you love them. you love them, you love them, you love them. even if that was the only thing you knew in the world you wouldn't care. they say love is blind but you'd willingly pull the wool down around your eyes if they were to lead you. you trust them, and they trust you. that's what true love is. and you really love them.
  • 8teen -- khalid
    • you definitely weren't supposed to take a whole roadtrip during lunch. but you're in your grad year so who really cares right? other than the slight worries of your parents getting a phonecall from the school the wind in your hair feels so good. the stress has really been getting to you and your friends recently so you all decided fuck C block we're going to the beach. now you're someplace in somewhere and you're kind of lost. the laughter overrides the music on the radio and all you can feel is the smile on your face that's starting to hurt. not once in your life have you felt so free, so alive. you wish this moment could last forever but you only have today, so you'll enjoy this moment while you can.
  • lovesick -- potsu
    • sunlight is nice, but it's getting in your eyes at the moment and you need to focus. breakfast is sizzling on the stove and all you can smell is bacon. you never really thought you'd be the kind of person to move into a small town in the middle of nowhere, it never really seemed your style. but during your years in college you met this guy and you fell in love. it was going well for around a year until you graduated and had to split due to him going to new york, 4000 kilometres away. you figured it was for the best, despite being upset by it. a few years into your career you decided you didn't want to suffer in a job you hated so you moved somewhere much smaller and found a job working at the florists shop. one day he walked in and asked for the largest bouquet you had in the shop. your eyes had locked with his, recognition and nostalgia in them, and his reflected the same back. you went out with each other a couple times and now the rest is history. lost in your memory, you don't even hear him walk into the kitchen. a fond smile on his face as he wraps his arms around you tightly, asking what you're cooking. everything feels just the same as it were those years ago. safe in his arms you know you made all the right choices in the end.
  • what's good -- seventeen
    • it's summer. finally. it feels like school never ends and then summer flies by too quickly so you're spending it in your room, as usual. texting friends and tapping your foot to the beat of whatever song is playing, occasionally humming along. the kids outside seem too loud and it feels like you're growing up. it's not the worst thing in the world, to some it makes the world feel like it's falling apart but to you it's just another thing that's happening. you're simply growing up and riding the wave of shit that slides your way. but tonight? you're in a good mood. your friends seem happier and so do you, life feels lighter. the world could fly by in a flurry but you could care less, you're smiling and so are your friends. joy is worth more than you can explain
sep 26 2020 ∞
oct 13 2020 +