• a boy gently fixing your necklace, things are a little too close
  • accidentally falling in love with your roommate. new years eve you pass out in his bed. oops.
  • the guy at your office job hasn't been focusing too well lately, every time you look at him he's staring off into space. when you walk over to him during your lunchbreak he looks startled and shoves some loose leaf paper into his desk, you wonder what they say.
  • your study buddy is cute you won't lie, you wish you could stay the night and actually talk with him rather than work in semi-awkward silence but you know that'd be too lucky. the night gets dark quickly in the winter so you decide to leave early, but when you open the door you're quick to realize that the pavement is buried beneath thick layers of snow. it's only been a few hours but the snowstorm seems to be raging harshly. "uhh" you say quietly, trying to get his attention. he looks up from his laptop and smiles playfully, "guess you'll be studying with me a bit longer"
  • running your hands through a boys hair !! ! ! ! ! ! !!! ! ! !
  • a boy sitting between ur legs nd leaning against your chest, talking about all the things he likes and everything he dreams of.
oct 2 2020 ∞
oct 13 2020 +