just stuff i think about while at work, kinda dramatic (of course it is though, it's me)

  • every night at 7pm high hopes by panic! at the disco plays, i'm unsure if they just repeat the same songs every day but i truly doubt it. i wonder if the man who controls the radio station has hopes, i bet he does, or at least he did. it makes me sad to think about someone who hoped so hard ended up with something so minimal to what their dream was. i hope that doesn't happen to me.
  • will i work here in 30 years? and would i mind if i did? i don't think i would want to.
  • how are the mice in our store so ballsy??? literally in front of customers they just scurry. actually so gross but brave. good for them.
  • who will i marry? do i have a soulmate? are soulmates real? i think a lot about my wedding and what songs i would want to play. i'd want it to be an out of tradition wedding for sure, something more relaxed maybe. but i want the vows to be heartfelt, handwritten and romantic. the intimacy of love is fun but you must always remember that being serious is important to. a soft balance of happiness.
  • will i have kids? i seem to really like my little brother. i wonder how i'd feel about having a little one. it'd be nice, someone to make smile and teach. what a nice thought...
  • when am i off?
oct 1 2020 ∞
oct 13 2020 +