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I am a 21-year-old female who resides in New Jersey. Sometimes I feel as if I live vicariously through the fictional characters and universes I create.

"What you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

listography NEW NEWS
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  • Elementary and middle school
    • Laura (3rd grade) - She was exceptionally good at scaring the living daylights out of students. And she loved Elvis Presley
    • Dimarzio (6th grade) - The first person who told me I should have a career in writing
    • Rente (7th grade) - The master of digression
  • High school
    • Bobrowski (Science, freshman year) - Always talked to me about music. He wore a Beatles tie to school once. +203943 cool points in my book
    • Morali (English, sophomore year; Creative Writing, junior year) - Favorite teacher ever
    • Cawthern (Algebra II, junior year)
    • Presto (Pre-calc, senior year) - WALKING CONTRADICTION
    • Keller (English, senior year) - Every time you said, "like," she made you put a quarter in a jar
    • Stolzenberg (Gym, sophomore and junior years) - "Do no jumping jacks, but count five out loud." Yeah, great way to stay in shape
    • Enzor (Human Anatomy & Physiology, senior year) - What a sweetheart
  • PCCC
    • Ayala (Music Appreciation)
    • Mosley (Psychology, Sociology) - His sarcasm, dirty jokes, and swearing always made my day
    • Andy (Shakespeare, Intro to Film) - He reminds me of George Carlin
    • Getso (Political Science)
    • Brian (Public Speaking) - I always got a kick out of his pop culture references
    • Marranca (Intro to Lit., World Lit.) - Total nutjob, but I liked his carefree attitude
    • Fruncillo (Intro to Philosophy) - Apparently I really like professors who curse all the time
feb 10 2010 ∞
may 18 2010 +