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My name is Violet and I am a small gray cat. I was born in September of 2004 under the house across the street. When I was about 8 weeks old my brother & sister and I started heading into the street (and to our almost certain demise) so mom took us home. She found a furever home for my brother & sister, but no one wanted me because I was very sick. So my mom kept me and she says I'm her best kitty...

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in the photo is Opal (playing with Odie's tail). she was one of our foster kitties. Opal was with us a long time and we missed her when she was adopted.

  • Bow Tie lives across the street, and mom feeds him. He has short black fur with a white bow tie. We don't see him much these days, and we hope someone is taking care of him. He is very timid and mom has never touched him.
  • Tiger passed away in 2008. She was a tabby. She showed up on winter and had 3 kittens. Mom found homes for all the kittens, then Tiger was spayed. She lived outside and was friends with Bow Tie kitty. Tiger was very sweet and we used to sniff each other through the screen door.
  • Tuxie disappeared last year. He is a tuxedo and has short fur. He lived outside and used to fight with Little Kitty all the time. He didn't like to be touched much, but he was getting better about and he never missed a meal while he was here with us.
  • Rugby was a homeless tuxedo kitten across the street. Mom started feeding him so he wouldn't try to cross the street looking for food. He was very skinny and crusty, and mom fattened him up and made his fur soft and shiney. Mom said he was very sweet. A lady that mom works with found a home for Rugby. He now has his own home and his own dog!
feb 9 2009 ∞
dec 14 2011 +