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My name is Violet and I am a small gray cat. I was born in September of 2004 under the house across the street. When I was about 8 weeks old my brother & sister and I started heading into the street (and to our almost certain demise) so mom took us home. She found a furever home for my brother & sister, but no one wanted me because I was very sick. So my mom kept me and she says I'm her best kitty...

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(we are all spayed & neutered)

  • Jellybean is 9 years old. She has very long thick black fur & big green eyes. The neighbors found her under their truck one morning. She was very sick, but mom nursed her back to vibrant health! Mom tried to find Jelly's people, but no one claimed her so mom adopted her!
  • Kyle is 7 years old. He is a black & white tuxedo with short fur and big green eyes. He gets to go outside on his own during the day. He doesn't really like any of us, but he tolerates us. Kyle & Sweet Pea were brothers.
  • Toby is 3 1/2 years old. He is a linx point and has blue eyes and short fur. Mom adopted him from the shelter. Toby takes Prozac because he used to spray in the house. He doesn't spray now and mom is much happier.
  • Odie is almost 2 years old. He has short, all black fur and big amber eyes. Odie plays with me more than any of the other cats. Odie almost died when he was a kitten, and sometimes he has trouble with his urinary tract.
  • Little Kitty is around 7 years old. She has long, thick gray & white fur and big green eyes. She was abandoned by the neighbors when they moved so mom adopted her. She lives outside, but comes in when it's very cold.
  • Sweet Pea passed away in 2005, but he would have been 7 this year. He had long, black & white tuxedo fur and big green eyes. Sweet Pea was my best friend and I was very sad when he died.
feb 7 2009 ∞
dec 14 2011 +