creators (visionary, diligent, introverted) most likely types to...

    • ...have many secrets no one else knows
    • ...enjoy learning new things
    • ...struggle letting go of past mistakes

creators are guided by an intuitive sense that helps them take in different pieces of information and link them in a meaningful way. whether they are improving systems or taking up a cause to make life better for others, creators work in an inner world filled with imaginative thoughts and solutions. this opens up many new and exciting ideas, and creators enthusiastically explore each new concept they come across.

creators’ intuition can seem like a sixth sense when they suddenly come to an accurate conclusion without even necessarily knowing where it came from. they pick up pieces of information and vet them through a logical filter, almost unconsciously. these personalities’ intuitive skills subconsciously link new information with their existing knowledge until there are enough threads to be woven into a larger, more actionable idea.

when the different pieces finally do come together, what was a long, intricate process can seem like a flash of insight. but what can seem mystical and uncanny is simply a unique mental process shared by all visionary (v) personality types. this process flows automatically, and creators may not always be able to explain the source of a conclusion without some serious backtracking and contemplation.

even though they are visionary, open-minded, and not always sure where their ideas come from, creators prefer a sense of certainty and a conceptual framework to hang those ideas on, like scientists working from a specific theoretical model. when creators find an idea or construct they like, they commit to it firmly.

however, if there’s enough evidence to suggest a contrary idea is more valid, then they are also flexible enough to change their minds – earth didn’t always revolve around the sun. creators like nothing better than to advance understanding, and they appreciate that this requires an open mind.

creators aren’t always comfortable presenting conclusions before they are ready though. unlike other types who brainstorm out loud, creators prefer to hold their cards close until the time is right to play them. these personalities like to pause and compose their thoughts before they speak, but when they are ready, they can present them with remarkable clarity and conviction.

always searching for a way to improve whatever has captured their imagination, creators focus on what might be more than what is or what has been. they decide how things ought to be based on what’s possible, not what’s been done before, and look to the future and embrace change and growth. however such an orientation can make these personality types appear out-of-touch to others.

this is especially true if creators get caught up in abstractions and theories about how things could be while the people around them try to focus on the practical matters that make up everyday life. when it comes to life in general, creators are much more interested in the big picture than they are in the small details. others sometimes see them as having their heads in the clouds, and perhaps as a little absent-minded or flighty.

to further the perception of creators as being a little different from other people, they are a small minority among personality types. they also need some time alone to recharge which can make them appear reclusive, and they tend not to toot their own horns. nevertheless, creators usually accomplish a lot while remaining in the background.

during their leisure time creators enjoy solitary activities, or sometimes just spending time with family or a few close friends. all of this may contribute to their hermit image and have them looking a little odd or out of place in society, but this is likely inaccurate – people with these personality types often benefit from (and enjoy!) a healthy social life, just in smaller doses.

creators are not always easy to get to know and most protect their privacy. as introverts (i), they see their abilities and differences from the rest of the world as a precious commodity, and want to protect it until they feel they are ready to share. a person hoping to get to know a creator should be careful to respect their boundaries and not push too hard. if creators are interested, they will open the doors to others in time.

jul 20 2018 ∞
jul 20 2018 +