- materialistic 23%
- offbeat 50%
- thinking 100%
- interpersonal 66%
- vital 20%
- easygoing 100%
perceived reward:
- being more attractive makes me happy
- being unconventional makes me happy
- being planned out makes me happy
- serving others makes me happy
- being alive makes me happy
- resting makes me happy
dangerous potential flaws: (if scored high)
- elitist, shallow, fake, external validation addiction
- putting yourself at too great a risk, endangering your life
- sticking with plans/systems/routines that don't work
- being taken advantage of, ignoring self, too nice
- over contented-ness, over confidence
- sloth, lassitude, indifference
dangerous potential flaws: (if scored low)
- failure to connect to others, society, the world
- playing it too safe, being resistant to change
- inability to make or complete long term goals/plans
- refusal or inability to see other's perspective/needs
- depression, poor mental and/or physical health
- stress, strain, exhaustion, anxiety